What Is The Film "A Dog's Life" (2017) About And Is It Worth Watching?

What Is The Film "A Dog's Life" (2017) About And Is It Worth Watching?
What Is The Film "A Dog's Life" (2017) About And Is It Worth Watching?

In the spring of 2017, a new film entitled "A Dog's Life" was released on the big screens of the country. For those who have not yet seen this picture, the question is relevant: "What is this film about and is it worth watching?"

What is the film "A Dog's Life" (2017) about and is it worth watching?
What is the film "A Dog's Life" (2017) about and is it worth watching?

The entire film is divided into small logical chunks, subordinate to one scenario. A dog named Bailey, so devotedly loving his master, lives his "dog life". The dog has its own character, hobbies, he knows how to think and love. A dog's life is so short in comparison to a human's. Bailey dies as an elderly dog, but is reborn in the body of another dog, which has a different life and its own touching story. And so several times. Several canine lives, happy and not so happy. And so, one day Bailey's soul in another dog's body finds its first and beloved owner and tries to prove to him that it is he, his "dog-boss" …

At first glance, "A Dog's Life May Seem" a little boring, childish and frivolous. But this is a misleading impression. This film is very deep and instructive. After watching, there is the same mixed feeling of delight and sadness that very strong films usually leave behind. In addition to the dog story, the film captures human destinies and stories that make you think about many things. The meaning of "A Dog's Life" is to live now, to live every moment like the last, not to postpone it for later and to enjoy every moment lived. The film is very touching. Judging by the reviews about "A Dog's Life", even the men cried while watching.

If you are still in doubt - to watch the film "A Dog's Life" or not, the answer is unequivocal - yes! This deep film exposes feelings and emotions, so if you are afraid to show your tears to loved ones - watch the movie alone.