What Is The Film "August 8th" About

What Is The Film "August 8th" About
What Is The Film "August 8th" About

Recently, Russian films have become very popular with movie lovers. The thing is that Russian paintings have a plot that is closer in spirit to Russian people than foreign ones. One of the favorite films recently released in Russia is the picture "August 8th".

Shot from the film "August 8th"
Shot from the film "August 8th"

The plot of the film "August 8th"

After the divorce, the main character of the film, Ksyusha, lives with her 7-year-old son Artem. The girl is trying to establish her personal life and even started a serious relationship with the successful Yegor. Young people meet at the dinner table at Ksyusha's house, where Artem meets Yegor. The boy, immersed in games with robots, is trying to replace all living people with games with them, presenting them as good or bad cyber machines.

The new mother's boyfriend is not very eager to improve relations with the son of his girlfriend, and the boy is trying to spoil him.

One summer day, former husband Zaur asks to send their common son to his parents in a picturesque village on the border of Georgia with Ossetia. In the same place, the ex-husband serves in the peacekeeping forces. Ksenia does not agree for a long time, but at the same time Yegor invites Ksyusha to fly on vacation in Sochi, and the young mother agrees to let her son go, who does not get along with her lover. The boy flies away on a plane with his father's colleague. Some time later, Ksyusha learns from the news that there is a conflict on the Georgian-Ossetian border, and calls the ex to return the boy, but he convinces her that everything is in order there and there is nothing to worry about.

Mother's heart is restless, and Ksyusha flies to Vladikavkaz on the first flight. From the city she has to get to the village on a regular bus, which comes under fire. The main character miraculously remains alive and demands the scouts who arrived at the scene to deliver her to Tskhinvali. They leave her in the center of the city, and there in a few minutes the bombardment begins. A woman tries to leave the city under a hail of shelling along with a crowd of refugees.

On the way, Ksyusha calls up with Zaur and arranges to meet with them in the refugee camp.

The denouement of the film "August 8th"

While trying to evacuate his son from the house, Zaur with his parents dies, and the wounded boy hides in the house. Ksenia, realizing that something terrible has happened, goes with a group of journalists to her son, but again comes under fire. She is picked up by already familiar scouts with the brave commander Alexei at the head, who wants to help the girl. With his help, Ksyusha gets to her son, with whom she kept in touch all this time by mobile phone.

The boy suffers from blood loss as a result of a head wound, and the girl steals a car from Georgian soldiers to take her son to the hospital. After several days in the hospital, mother and son come to the helipad, where they again meet with Alexei, who immediately liked Artyom, he reports that hostilities have ceased.
