The riot of autumn colors not only pleases, but also inspires creativity. From multi-colored leaves you can make a spectacular interior decoration - a lamp. It is easy to manufacture, so feel free to include children in the process. The lamp is also suitable as an autumn craft for school or kindergarten.

Necessary materials
To make a lamp from autumn leaves you will need:
- round glass vase;
- leaves;
- glue.
The diameter of the vase can be any. If you plan to use the lamp as a candlestick, take the small or medium version. The most common jar is also suitable, choose the size to your taste.
Leaves for crafts in the fall are not a problem to find. Choose whole and beautifully "painted". The more colors, the more beautiful the lamp will turn out. Ideal for crafts. In principle, you can take any, but you will have to tinker with the small ones, and the aesthetics from them will no longer be. The leaves do not need preliminary drying.
Almost suitable for fixation. Take a hot one - it is more convenient to work with.
Fallen Leaves Lamp: Step by Step Making
Start gluing the vase on top. Moisten the leaves to make them slightly damp. In this state, they are more malleable and much easier to work with. Be sure to remove the petioles as they will only get in the way.

Squeeze just a little bit of glue onto the base of the craft material. It is inappropriate to be generous here, as excess glue from burning a candle will start to seep through the leaves. Combine contrasting tones nearby to make the future lamp look spectacular. Stick the leaves in one direction only - base down.
Fix them so that they do not protrude beyond the opening of the vase. Otherwise, if you plan on using real candles and not battery-powered ones.
If desired, treat the craft with a colorless varnish for better preservation. Use a special varnish for paper products, such as decoupage. It does not smell as strong as one intended for wood processing. You can also take hairspray if you don't have another at hand. Allow the lamp to dry completely before using it as intended.
If you took a jar as a base, wrap its neck with twine, lace ribbon. You can use another in the decor - acorn hats or cones, for example.
Make several of these crafts and place them on a windowsill or table. The more lamps there are, the faster you will feel how comfort and warmth spread throughout your house, despite the autumn storm outside the window.

Instead of real leaves, you can use fabric ones. Crafts made from them may last longer, but they will not replace the color that is inherent in natural autumn material.
Inside such a lamp there may be.