Leaves are a fertile material for making autumn crafts. They are so rich in bright, juicy colors that you want to keep them for as long as possible. From them you can make a simple applique, a luxurious bouquet or an original vase. All these crafts will easily fit into any interior.

Tools and materials
To make a vase from autumn leaves, you will need PVA glue, a balloon, petroleum jelly, a piece of foam rubber or a brush, scissors, as well as leaves that have already changed their color from green to yellow or red. The best option is to use maple leaves, their carved edges will make a very colorful vase.
A vase of leaves: a step-by-step master class
First, decide on the size of the future vase. It depends on how many leaves you need and to what extent you will inflate the balloon: the larger it is, the more spacious the vase will be. In principle, any base can be used instead of a ball. However, keep in mind that it will be very difficult to remove the finished vase from the frame later, which cannot be said about the ball.
Lubricate the inflated balloon with Vaseline. Any greasy cream can be used together with it. Place the ball in a container so that it is easy to work with later.
Prepare maple leaves. It is desirable that they have no holes. Using scissors, carefully remove the cuttings from them, then proceed to form the vase. To do this, generously moisten each leaf with glue. This can be done either with a brush or with a piece of foam rubber. Most importantly, don't spare any glue. The more it is, the stronger the vase will be.
Place the leaves on the ball in turn. Make sure that there are no gaps between them. Thus, lay out the leaves in several layers. Once again generously coat the entire composition on top with glue. Leave the vase alone until it is completely dry. Please be patient as it usually takes at least 48 hours.
The final step is to burst the balloon and carefully remove it from the resulting structure. The vase of leaves is ready! She has every chance to become a highlight of your interior. It can be placed both in the kitchen and in the bedroom or living room. Such a vase will serve you as a pleasant reminder of the golden autumn. You can store all sorts of little things in it, as well as sweets or biscuits for tea.