How To Make A Hat With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Hat With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Hat With Your Own Hands

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A homemade tiny hat will be a great decoration for a high hairstyle if you put it on a hairpin. A velvet or silk hat will complement a sophisticated evening dress. You can make such a headdress or hair accessory out of cardboard, and then cover it with fabric, decorate it with a ribbon, feathers, and beads.

If the cap is starched, no cardboard spacer is needed
If the cap is starched, no cardboard spacer is needed

It is necessary

  • - thin rigid cardboard;
  • - fabric for the top;
  • - lining fabric;
  • - hat tape;
  • - material for decoration;
  • - thin foam rubber or sheet synthetic winterizer;
  • - compasses;
  • - ruler;
  • - ball pen;
  • - centimeter;
  • - a sharp knife;
  • - scissors;
  • - universal glue;
  • - sewing accessories.


Step 1

Start making the hat by building the base. If it is going to be a hairpin, think about what size the margins should be. Draw their outer circle. Draw a radius, set the width of the margins to the side of the center and draw an inner circle. Calculate its length by multiplying the radius by 6, 28. Cut out the margins. If you are going to make a crown in the form of a cylinder and carefully cut out the margins with a sharp knife, you will immediately get the basis for the bottom - the circle inside the ring. It is more convenient to build the base for a large hat from the inner circle, since it is equal to the circumference of the head.

Step 2

The crown in the form of a truncated cone can taper or widen upward. In the first case, it is enough for you to reduce the circle intended for the bottom, in the second, you will have to draw this part separately and calculate its length in the indicated way.

Step 3

Draw the base for the crown. It is a rectangle or isosceles trapezoid. If the crown is cylindrical, the long side of the rectangle will be equal to the circumference, and the short side will be equal to the height of the cap. On two long sides and one short side, make a seam allowance. The sweep of an expanding or tapering crown is an isosceles trapezoid. Draw a line equal to the length of the inner circumference of the margins. Find the middle of the line, lift the perpendicular from this point to the height of the crown. Through this new mark, draw a line equal to the circumference of the bottom so that it divides in half at the same point. Connect the ends of the lines. Make allowances.

Step 4

Transfer the pattern to the base and lining fabric. From the base material, cut out 2 parts for the fields, and on one of them, make an allowance along the outer circumference, and cut the second exactly along the contour. Cut out 1 detail of the bottom and crown from the same material. From the lining fabric, cut one piece of the bottom and the crown. A large hat can also be lined with thin foam rubber or sheet padding polyester. Soft parts are glued to cardboard ones, and only then the base is assembled.

Step 5

Glue the cardboard pieces together. Cover the hat. First, glue the inside of the crown, bending the bottom and margin allowances. The lining does not have to be tightly pulled, only the edges can be glued. Then cover the outside of the crown. Stick the bottom. Glue a piece with an allowance on the top of the margins. Gently bend the allowance on the bottom of the margins, glue the second ring.

Step 6

Close the line connecting the crown and brim with tape. For a large hat, it is better to take a special hat band with pronounced edges. The hairpin can be decorated with a thin satin ribbon or even braid. Decorate your creation. The ribbon can have a bow, brooch, decorative rivet, etc.
