A huge amount of stress associated with work, the super-fast rhythm of city life, the usual everyday troubles suck out the last remnants of strength from a person. What's at home? The Internet and television block our activity, turning them into passive contemplators, taking away time and energy that we could spend on more useful things. How to avoid complete exhaustion and learn how to recover?

Step 1
Take up yoga, dancing, or fitness, for example. If you think that physical activity with severe mental fatigue is best avoided, you are mistaken. Competently switching from emotional to physical stress will help you maintain a balance of strength and energy. Just be sure to do physical exercises under the guidance - contact an experienced instructor - the specialist will correct the course of your classes in the right way and accurately distribute the load.

Step 2
Get a pet. It is best if it is a dog. Unhurried walks before bedtime, fresh air will help you recuperate, collect your thoughts, and promote healthy sleep. In addition, the animal is a constant source of positive emotions.

Step 3
Make it a rule to visit the bathhouse at least once a week, go out of town, leave work half an hour earlier, walk barefoot on the ground (in the summer, of course), go to the cinema, pamper yourself with new things and things that you have been planning to buy for a long time, but always postponed.