In esotericism, there are many ways to obtain energy from the Earth, the Sun, Space, trees, etc. It is believed that the elements can not only restore a person's strength, but also give him new abilities. Try exercises to get energy from the earth.

Step 1
First you need to choose the right place, quiet and peaceful, where you will be completely alone. Sit cross-legged on the ground in the shade and place your hands on your knees. Bring your index and thumb together on both hands. Then extend your arms so that the middle, ring and pinky fingers of both hands touch the ground. Take slow, deep breaths. Focus your thoughts on the fact that the energy of the earth, when you inhale, actively penetrates through your fingertips into your body, and when you exhale, it is formed into energy.
Step 2
Sit on the ground so that it is comfortable to sit for a long time. Close your eyes and mentally imagine that you have grown into the earth, merged with it into a single whole, as if you became its continuation. Relax, be balanced and calm. Think that nothing and no one can disturb your peace. Your body, in conjunction with the earth, is one and protected from all possible manifestations of diseases, suppressing them with its strength. Your body is filled with strong, resilient and calm energy.
Step 3
Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Close your eyes and subtly crouch up and down, up and down, mentally entering the Earth. Imagine that the energy of your feet merges with the energy of the Earth. Concentrate on this sensation of energy exchange.
Step 4
Stand up straight and close your eyes. Imagine that your feet are two large balls, half buried in the ground. As you take a deep breath, think of the energy flowing into your body through the balls connecting you to the Earth. Hold your breath so that the energy is evenly distributed throughout the body. On exhalation, partial recoil. Thus, during exercises to receive energy from the Earth, two techniques are used: standing - through the feet and sitting - through the spine.