How To Protect Your Photo From The Evil Eye

How To Protect Your Photo From The Evil Eye
How To Protect Your Photo From The Evil Eye

Lately, many are posting their photos on social networks or on dating sites. Thousands of people can see them. Energetically, this is not entirely safe. The so-called magicians and sorcerers can read information about a person from a photograph and affect him both positively and negatively. Even ordinary people unconsciously can influence the energy of a person after seeing his photo. The evil eye can result from jealousy or other negative emotions.

You need protection for photography, because through it you can harm a person
You need protection for photography, because through it you can harm a person

Putting your photos on public display, you need to apply some methods of protection from magical influences.

Meditation to protect photos

This practice is recommended before posting your photo on the Internet.

Sit in front of the monitor with your right hand on the anahata (heart chakra).

Say a prayer:

“The dirt won't stick to me.

The Fire of the Lord is around me.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Imagine fire around your photo as you speak.

When interacting with photos, you must adhere to some rules:

Small children should be protected from the evil eye, there is no need to take pictures of them often and, moreover, to show photos to ill-wishers.

The photographer must be in good spirits.

It is not advisable to take pictures with those you do not like.

You should not carry photos of loved ones in your wallet.

A young couple before marriage is better not to be photographed.

When giving someone your photo, write on it something like "in good memory" or "as a sign of strong friendship."

When looking at photographs of other people, you need to wish them happiness.

When destroying unnecessary photos, do not tear them up. It is better to burn it, having previously mentally asked for forgiveness from the people depicted on them.

To protect yourself from the evil eye when shooting, it is recommended that you do not look directly into the lens or wear sunglasses.
