How To Protect A House From Damage And The Evil Eye

How To Protect A House From Damage And The Evil Eye
How To Protect A House From Damage And The Evil Eye

Negative energy (evil eye, damage) can affect not only a person, but also any thing or object associated with him. Including his home. To protect all household members from abuse, hassles and health problems, it is important to know how to protect your home from the evil eye and damage. This can be done in different ways - with the help of amulets, plants, various rituals, prayers and ceremonies. But before you do anything, it is important to find out: is there already damage to your house?

How to protect a house from damage and the evil eye
How to protect a house from damage and the evil eye

Signs of the evil eye and damage

Pay attention to how often:

  • you or your family are sick;
  • quarrels and scandals occur in your house;
  • you want to escape your home.

If this happens very often lately, it is quite possible that damage has already been brought to your house. To make sure you have it, take the blessed salt and heat it in a frying pan for 15-20 minutes. If everything is fine in the house, the spice will be yellowish, if there is an evil spirit in it, it will turn dark brown or black. You can also walk around the house holding a church candle. There, where it crackles, lies some kind of spoken thing.

How to protect a house with amulets?

The branches of rowan, aspen, buckthorn, birch or spruce, which are consecrated on Trinity, suspended above the front door, can serve as a talisman for the house. They will not let evil spirits and energy vampires into your house, prevent the passage of negative magical energy. You can also place above the threshold:

  • two branches of rowan, tied crosswise with a red thread;
  • a needle or safety pin (they need to be stuck on the inside of the paper);
  • a horseshoe or a bouquet of dry wormwood.

You can hang a bunch of St. John's wort or mint near a hanger or mirror next to the entrance. Under the threshold - put dried wormwood or thistle. In the most conspicuous place, it is worth placing the bereginya doll. You can do it yourself.

With the help of plants

To prevent the negative from entering the house, you can create a hedge of thuja or spruce near it, as well as plant raspberry bushes, mountain ash, fir, St. John's wort or birch. Aspen is also able to protect a home from damage, but you need to be more careful with it. Otherwise, you can get the opposite result.

Through rituals and ceremonies

There are many ways to cleanse and protect your home from the evil eye and damage through rituals. The simplest and most effective of them are:

Method one

Light a church wax candle. Lay out several white handkerchiefs in front of you (according to the number of rooms in the house). Spread some coal and a bunch of herbs (burdock, immortelle, wormwood) on them, whispering at the same time:

After that, you need to bandage each white handkerchief with white threads and spread it imperceptibly in every room of your house. Nobody should see them!

Method two

Take three small onions, pierce each of them with a thick needle with a red thread, and tie the thread with a loop around each vegetable. Hang in the kitchen, living room and bedroom for 7 days. Then remove, put on clean paper, salt well, wrap and burn to ashes in a vacant lot or in the forest on a bright fire.

Method three

You can also illuminate your home with holy water (following the example of monks).

On the night of Easter, go to Church, take five candles, stand with them until the end of the service. Take four glasses at home, fill them with grain, put candles in them. Place glasses around the house: one is on a chair by the front door, the second is opposite it at the wall, the third is on the balcony, and the fourth is in the bedroom by the window. The result should be a cross. Light candles. With another candle, draw crosses outside, inside and on the windows. Circle these crosses with a piece of cotton wool wrapped around three matches and greased with church oil. Sprinkle the house with Epiphany water, going around the house three times from and to the front door from left to right and reading, at the same time, "Our Father". Fumigate the house with dry wormwood or incense. Take out and bury the matches that were used during the lighting where neither animals nor people walk.

As you can see, there are really many ways. But remember! All of them must be applied carefully, strictly as written. Otherwise, it may not work or, worse, lead to a weakening of the energy field at home.