What Is The Evil Eye And Damage

What Is The Evil Eye And Damage
What Is The Evil Eye And Damage

People who are not very well versed in esotericism often confuse the evil eye and corruption. Meanwhile, we are talking about completely different phenomena, even if their "symptoms" are sometimes similar. Of course, the ways to get rid of the problem will also be different.

What is the evil eye and damage
What is the evil eye and damage

What is spoilage

Damage is a consequence of a targeted negative magical effect on a person. The most terrible, of course, is damage to death: it, as a rule, leads to the fact that a person gets sick and dies after a while, even if experienced doctors are trying to save him. More common options have a less terrible effect - for example, a person becomes sterile, constantly ill, loses his attractiveness, becomes disgusting even in the eyes of loved ones.

Features of damage depend on what kind of result the person who made it wanted to achieve. For example, if he needed to take away someone else's position, he can choose rituals after which everything will fall out of the hands of the victim, and the authorities will perceive her as a very bad worker. The object will lose self-confidence, become withdrawn, or, on the contrary, will show all his worst qualities, and this will turn others against him.

Damage rarely disappears on its own and it is not easy to defend against it, especially if an experienced person is involved in magical influence. In this case, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics, and then use special rituals to remove negativity, cleanse and strengthen protection.

The evil eye - the essence and reasons

The evil eye is much easier than damage, although it can also lead to negative consequences. This magical effect is not purposeful. On the contrary, it is more an accident than a result of a person's desire to actually harm someone. Unfortunately, it is not only the enemy who can jinx, but also a friend or even a stranger who has no particular motive for harming the victim. But on the other hand, it is much easier to protect yourself from such an effect than from damage. In addition, the evil eye is often "erased", i.e. passes by itself after a few days, weeks or months, depending on the inner strength of the person from whom he proceeded and on the characteristics of his emotions.

The most common cause of the evil eye is envy. This problem can occur in happy couples, young parents, young children. Sometimes it is enough for a woman who does not have a baby to think with anger and envy of a mother who plays on the street with her baby in order to direct negative energy towards the victim.

Another possible cause of the evil eye is anger. For example, if parents constantly set their daughter as an example of her sister, humiliating one and extolling the other, a girl in a fit of anger may, even without realizing it, jinx her role model.