The evil eye and damage are quite common, representing a destructive negative energy directed at a specific person. It is quite simple to recognize them - if you know the "symptoms" that the evil eye and damage cause in certain areas of life, and how they affect health.

The action of damage and the evil eye
When targeting damage or the evil eye, the sphere at which the energy blow was directed is usually affected. It can be both love relationships, family life or friendship, and health. People can begin to feel aloofness, coldness and irritation towards a partner, constantly quarrel with him - up to the complete termination of the relationship and even the emergence of hatred for their former loved ones.
Specialized negative influences include damage to career, health, money, failure, and intimacy.
If the evil eye or damage was purposeful, the body is gradually depleted, and the signs of damage are most clearly manifested where its weakest points are. In other words, if health problems have already been present, then with the guidance of damage they will noticeably increase for no apparent reason. The same goes for trouble at work, in personal life, or in financial matters.
Signs of targeting damage or the evil eye
One of the main signs of spoilage is a sharp unjustified deterioration of the life sphere, which is targeted by a negative energy impact. Usually it is noted in the most vulnerable or weakened places of a person. Another sign of damage or evil eye is the partial disorientation of a person, in which he commits strange actions that entail various unpleasant consequences.
Often, people who have been damaged or the evil eye suddenly begin to get involved in gambling or put their lives and health in danger.
In addition, in the presence of damage, many people refuse to admit their problems, categorically denying the connection of their troubles with magical influences. If damage has already been targeted, strange objects may be found in the house or at its doorstep that must be immediately burned. Also, a clear sign of the evil eye or damage is often the appearance of diseases that doctors cannot diagnose. With damage to loneliness, a person cannot create a full-fledged relationship or family, as well as give birth to children.
Unlike the evil eye, which manifests itself more or less openly, it is much more difficult to identify damage. If everything in life began to deteriorate sharply and the situation cannot be improved in any way, you should turn to a good, trusted grandmother, or at least go to church and ask God for help. And the main nuance is that in order to get rid of damage, you need to believe in it, or at least be aware of the possibility of its presence, otherwise all rituals may not bring any benefit.