Garnet is a stone with a rich and mysterious history. There are a lot of legends and rumors about the mineral. The popular gem has a variety of magical and healing properties. But the stone is not suitable for everyone.

The pomegranate stone was found a long time ago. Mentions about him can be found in the manuscripts of medieval scholars. The mineral was popular in Europe, Arabia, Persia.
It was often found in jewelry that was created on the territory of Ancient Scythia. In ancient Rome, the pomegranate was called the carbuncle, and the Greeks called it anphrax.
The crusaders believed in the magical properties of the pomegranate. On their numerous campaigns, they took the mineral with them. They believed that he is a symbol of valor and strength. In Christianity, stone was used as a decoration. With his help, icons, bindings for manuscripts and church utensils were created. In Russia, the stone was called "bechet", "wormy yacht".
It is worth noting that in ancient times, red garnet was usually mined. Thanks to this, it got its name. But after a few decades, it turned out that the gem can be yellow, pink and purple. Black and green pomegranates can be found. But such crystals are very rare.
Garnet became a precious stone only after the 17th century. Until that time, it was not its value that was especially appreciated, but its medicinal and magical properties.
Healing properties
Pomegranate, like many other minerals, can help treat certain diseases. Its healing qualities have been noticed since ancient Greece.
- With the help of a pomegranate, you can heal wounds.
- The stone helps fight inflammation.
- The mineral is believed to help relieve headaches.
- Able to reduce pain caused by allergies.
- The fight against gastrointestinal diseases is another healing property of pomegranate.
- The mineral is able to cope with disorders in the cardiovascular system.
In ancient times, pomegranate was considered a magic stone with which it was possible to stop bleeding. For this, the mineral had to be applied to the cut. The gem will not only heal, but also add strength.
Magical properties
In ancient times, the pomegranate was regularly used in mystical practices. He is able to nourish his owner with energy, give him strength. That is why the crusaders often wore pomegranate rings.
The crystal possesses a very ancient magic that will patronize only strong people. The owner of the mineral must know what he wants to achieve. In addition, he is obliged to fight for a good cause. Otherwise, the gem will not benefit its ward.
Creative people can take full advantage of the magical properties of the pomegranate. It will also help those who bring something new to their activities, not being afraid to take risks and constantly moving forward. But scammers and schemers are not recommended to wear a gem.
The red stone will help people who strive for self-development. But at the same time, the owners of the mineral must understand what exactly they want to achieve.
Pomegranate has the following properties.
- With its help, you can find the enemy in your environment.
- Capable of protecting against water hazards.
- Pomegranate represents love. Therefore, he helps romantics to win the hearts of girls.
- The gem significantly enhances charisma.

There is danger in the magical properties of the pomegranate. The stone is able to multiply the primitive nature of a person. He can awaken a predator in him. Therefore, it should not be worn by too aggressive people.
Who suits
Pomegranate is a friendly stone. But at the same time, astrologers do not advise wearing the mineral too often. Otherwise, the powerful energy of the stone will begin to harm.
Pomegranate is suitable for almost everyone. It will help Scorpios and Aquarius to calm down their temperament and concentrate on one task. Sagittarius with the help of the mineral will stop doing stupid things, rash acts. Leos will become more judicious, and Aries will gain confidence and determination.
The stone will give Gemini stability and good luck in professional activity. Libra will get rid of shyness and shyness, and Virgo will finally find their soul mate.
The mineral was ideal for Capricorns. It will energize its owner. Pomegranate will help you move up the career ladder and meet the right people.
Pomegranate is not recommended for women born under the sign of Taurus. You should not buy the mineral and Cancers. The stone will make them feel uncomfortable. Because of him, representatives of these signs can become depressed.