Turquoise Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Turquoise Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Turquoise Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Turquoise is a very fragile stone. The most common minerals are sky-blue. But there are stones of other, more intricate colors. The crystal is semi-precious. Turquoise stone is very popular. And this is largely due to a wide range of magical and healing properties.

Rough turquoise stones
Rough turquoise stones

Turquoise is an extremely unusual stone that contains a huge number of secrets. There are many legends and rumors about the mineral. It was first found a long time ago. Due to its properties, it almost immediately began to be used as an amulet.

The first specimens were found on the island of Sinai. In this place, slaves were engaged in the extraction of minerals. After the discovery, the stone began to be actively used in the creation of a variety of products.

Healing properties

Turquoise has a wide range of properties that can be used for medicinal purposes. The mineral is actively used in alternative medicine. According to lithotherapists, the stone has the following set of qualities.

  1. With its help, you can cope with colds, viral infections. The stone helps in the treatment of throat and lungs.
  2. Using the mineral, you can normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. As a result, the state of health will improve.
  3. Getting rid of migraines is another healing property of turquoise.
  4. The stone helps to calm the psyche.
  5. With the help of a crystal, you can cleanse the blood, speed up the healing process of tissues.
  6. The gem helps to remove toxins from the body.
  7. The stone helps to relieve excessive anxiety.

To increase the effectiveness of its medicinal properties, turquoise must be worn correctly.

  1. Breathing ailments can heal beads and pendants made with turquoise. At the same time, it is recommended to buy beads if health problems are serious enough.
  2. Gem rings help cleanse toxins from the blood.
  3. Earrings can increase efficiency, get rid of fatigue. Help to cope with migraines.

Magical properties

Turquoise has more than just medicinal properties. You can use the stone as a talisman.

  1. The crystal helps to cope with corruption. It will protect you from evil spirits. This magical property of turquoise has been known since ancient times. People used to make products to protect their child.
  2. This mineral amulet will bring good luck to the life of its owner.
  3. The gem can act as a relationship indicator. If he loses his color, fades, then the partner has betrayed, changed.
  4. The crystal increases intuition.
  5. Turquoise will help to reveal talent in full.
  6. With the help of a crystal, you can attract love into your life.
  7. The gem helps to improve your financial condition.
  8. Thanks to the stone, character traits such as determination and confidence are strengthened.
  9. The mineral is called the stone of courage. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it for those people whose work is associated with a risk to their lives.

The magical properties of turquoise are manifested in full only if the owner does not want to harm anyone with his actions. The gem is suitable only for those people who pursue good goals.

Turquoise products
Turquoise products

The properties of a stone are related to its color.

  1. The light crystal helps to find peace.
  2. Thanks to the dark stone, a person becomes more decisive. He will be able to find his way in life, he will cease to be afraid of the unknown.
  3. Green turquoise will help get rid of anxiety and add confidence to its owner.
  4. A dark blue gem soothes its owner, makes him more patient.
  5. A soft blue stone will help a girl find her soul mate.
  6. The blue mineral will bring good luck to the owner's life.
  7. Blue-green stones are commonly used in magical practices. They help to establish a connection with the other world. Not recommended to be worn by common people.
  8. The white mineral is a powerful talisman. Recommended for people who are constantly risking their lives.

Who suits

Not everyone can wear turquoise. Suitable for Sagittarius, Scorpio and Taurus. Thanks to the stone, representatives of these signs will be able to attract good luck into their lives. They will become calmer, more confident, and determined. But it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of color. Sagittarius should use blue gems, while Taurus and Scorpios should wear green turquoise.

The white crystal should be purchased by Virgos, Aries and Pisces. With the help of a gem, they can get rid of excessive anxiety.

The mineral is not suitable for Leo. Turquoise will not harm the representatives of this sign, but it will not bring any benefit either.
