Amethyst Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Amethyst Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Amethyst Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Amethyst is a stone of amazing beauty. It is not a precious mineral. However, it is still considered a priceless gem. There are many legends and rumors about amethyst. People are especially interested in the magical and healing properties of the stone.

Rough amethyst stone
Rough amethyst stone

The popularity of amethyst is largely due to its beauty, luxurious purple color. That is why he could often be seen at the kings, the rich, the hierarchs. For ordinary people, the gem became available only in the 18th century.

According to scientists, the amethyst stone appeared a long time ago. Its properties have been studied since the time of the Sumerians. In Ancient Egypt, the gem was used as an interior decoration. In China, bowls and various vessels were made from the mineral.

The name of the stone was invented in Ancient Greece. Amethyst in translation means "sober". According to legends, they took the mineral with them to feasts so as not to get drunk.

Healing properties

Amethyst has a wide range of healing qualities. It was often used by lithotherapists in their practices. According to scientists, with the help of a gem, you can enhance the production of a variety of hormones. In addition, with the help of the stone, it will be possible to normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands. The gem also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The healing properties of amethyst are as follows.

  1. It helps to cope with diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  2. With its help, you can eliminate problems associated with the skin.
  3. If you put an amethyst stone in the water at night and drink it in the morning, you can eliminate problems associated with the liver and kidneys.
  4. The mineral helps in the event that the joints hurt.
  5. According to lithotherapists, amethyst will help restore hearing and cure insomnia.
  6. A stone copes well with migraines.
  7. Mineral helps relieve stress.
  8. Help with alcoholism is the main healing property of amethyst, after which it got its name.

It should be understood that only a natural mineral has all the healing qualities. There will be no sense from a fake.

Magical properties

Amethyst possesses not only medicinal qualities, but also magical ones. Mineral is the personification of spiritual purity, devotion to one's own principles. With its help, you can cope with bad feelings, excessive anxiety.

Refined amethyst stone
Refined amethyst stone

Amethyst stone is a symbol of harmony and relaxation. With its help, you can protect yourself from damage and avoid conflicts. However, if it was not possible to prevent quarrels, it is better to remove the stone. Otherwise, he can tune in to negative energy.

  1. The stone gives its owner a sense of foresight.
  2. Having a gem available, you can understand who from the environment treats you insincerely.
  3. Preservation of youth, beauty is another magical property of amethyst.
  4. If you constantly wear a stone, you can get rid of the negativity.
  5. The mineral is suitable for hot-tempered people. It can help reduce irritability. Amethyst will help you calm down in a stressful situation.
  6. A heart-shaped gem can strengthen love, mutual feelings. But he is also capable of destroying a family. It all depends on who exactly gave the stone.

Who suits

Almost everyone can wear amethyst. The main condition is the absence of vile thoughts, deceit and deceit. The stone can reflect all negativity on its owner. But still there are people for whom the gem will be the perfect talisman.

Astrologers recommend wearing amethyst to representatives of such signs as Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. With the help of the stone, they will attract good luck into their lives, they will be able to reveal their talents.

Aries and Sagittarius, the gem will help to cope with such character traits as selfishness and a tendency to conflict. For Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, amethyst is able to strengthen the strength of the spirit. Representatives of these signs will become more confident and determined.

Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers with the help of an amethyst amulet will cope with negative thinking, find peace and harmony. The stone will help Leo only if it is necessary to cope with some kind of disease.
