Hyacinth Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Hyacinth Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Hyacinth Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Hyacinth is a stone that amazes with its beauty. Legends and rumors have always circulated around him. The mineral is a gem. It is popular not only for its beauty, but also for a large number of magical and medicinal properties. At the present stage, there are very few natural hyacinths left.

Beautiful hyacinth stone
Beautiful hyacinth stone

The hyacinth stone was first mentioned by the ancient philosopher Pliny in the manuscript "Natural History". It happened in the 4th century BC. The author described in sufficient detail the various properties of the gem. According to him, hyacinth is great for making jewelry.

Interestingly, there is a mention of the stone in the "Revelation of John the Theologian". The gem was used as the main element in the creation of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Hyacinth was also popular during the Macedonian times. But in those years, the stone was often confused with other orange and red minerals. It became possible to distinguish a gem from other stones only in the 18th century.

After another 2 centuries, scientists, conducting experiments with hyacinth, were able to obtain an element popular at the present stage, which was named zirconium.

Healing properties

Hyacinth has been used in healing since ancient times. With its help, it was possible to get rid of problems associated with the digestive tract, thyroid gland, heart and liver. At the present stage, lithotherapists believe that using a hyacinth stone can get rid of depression. It is also believed that the mineral helps in the restoration and strengthening of vision.

With the help of a precious mineral, you can cope with insomnia, constipation and infectious infections. Lithotherapists believe that the mineral can perfectly cope with the chronic fatigue of its owner, restore strength and put the nervous system in order after falling into a stressful situation.

Magical properties

Hyacinth is closely related to magic. There is an opinion that the mineral has a powerful energy, which can not only bring benefits, but can also harm. In ancient times, sorcerers used the gem to make amulets.

The red mineral represents unhappy love. It is not recommended to be worn by unmarried girls. Otherwise, you can lose your beloved. Red hyacinth was often purchased by traders and travelers. It was believed that with its help it was possible to prevent the attack of bandits.

It is believed that the fire crystal is an excellent protection against lightning. To do this, he had to be put in a bag and hung around his neck.

In the ancient years, it was believed that the stone helps to develop mental abilities. Strengthening intuition is another magical property of hyacinth. It was often worn by philosophers and poets, because it awakened talent in people, a craving for creativity.

Ring with hyacinth
Ring with hyacinth

It is not recommended to purchase hyacinth if everything is going well in your life. It is necessary to wear a gem only in times of failure and loss. It should be put on the shelf when the life situation returns to normal.

Who suits

According to astrologers, hyacinth should be worn only in the presence of mental trauma. The mineral will help restore the nervous system faster. Most of all, the mineral is suitable for Capricorns, because representatives of this sign are prone to experiences. The gem will help them gain self-confidence and cope with any unforeseen situation.

The hyacinth stone will help Sagittarius and Aquarius. It will help bring good luck to life. With its help, it will be possible to successfully cope with any task, project. The gem will bring harmony to life and improve health.

For representatives of other signs, it is necessary to wear the hyacinth stone with extreme caution. The mineral is able to interfere with the search for true love. It is allowed to wear it only if the person is already married.
