All the free time available to one of the most sought-after Hollywood actresses, Charlize Theron, she devotes to her family. The mother takes pride in raising her children without a husband, without the involvement of nannies and in accordance with her own ideas about parenting.

At the CinemaCon Awards in Las Vegas, the Hollywood star, who until recently tried to hide the details of her personal life, publicly stated that her heart is free, she is "ready for a new relationship and absolutely available." Charlize Theron admitted that she has not been associated with anyone with a permanent romantic relationship for a long time. Of course, she is credited with numerous lovestory (both those that happened and those that did not actually exist). But that doesn't count. So did her engagement to Sean Penn, which she broke off in 2014. Since the separation from her common-law husband, actor Stuart Townsend, almost ten years ago, her personal life has been "in complete calm."
The absence of a spouse for such a long time did not prevent Theron from starting a family. The actress has no biological children. Charlize fulfills her parental responsibilities in relation to her adopted children: son Jason and daughter Augusta (August). When a Hollywood star walks with them in Beverly Hills, the whole neighborhood flocks to see what outfit mom chose for her eldest this time. And the paparazzi are trying to make a sensational shot, rushing to be the first to get into the gossip. The public is shocked not only by the appearance of the child, but also by the fact that the Hollywood star adheres to free views on raising children, not linking them with any stereotypes in the perception of their gender.
Two adopted children
The story of the appearance in the life of Charlize Theron of two dark-skinned children is very simple. In both cases, the adoption is associated with the South African origin of the actress and is due to some juicy details of her personal life.

The homeland of Charlize Theron is South Africa, the city of Benoni located near Johannesbug, which is inhabited by representatives of different nationalities and confessions. Father's ancestors were French and Dutch (the actress is the great-grand-niece of the Boer officer Danny Theron). On the maternal side, German roots (mother - nee Maritz). The family, in which Charlize was the only child, owned a road construction company (run by Gerda Theron) and a farm. Here, among the wildlife and animals, the future Hollywood celebrity grew up. The workers who worked on the parents' farm were from indigenous tribes. Communicating with them, the girl learned to understand more than 25 African dialects. In addition to her native Afrikaans language, the future actress spoke English, albeit with a strong South African accent. After leaving her homeland at the age of 16, Charlize became a naturalized citizen of the United States only by 2007. The immigration authorities were in no hurry to grant her citizenship, despite the fact that the girl has settled in Los Angeles since 1994. It is noteworthy that having made a dizzying career in the American film industry, Theron became the first African-born who was awarded an Oscar for her leading role.
The actress has always been very proud to be African. Therefore, I deliberately decided to take on the education of a dark-skinned baby in her homeland. A boy named Jason was adopted in 2012. This happened shortly after Charlize, who was already 37 years old, broke up with her actual husband, actor Stuart Townsend. They were one of the hardest couples in Hollywood. However, for 8 years, they did not formalize the relationship and did not have children. Both were completely immersed in their work. The surrounding people noted that from the side the actors looked like brother and sister. According to Stewart, he considered Charlize his wife, she did not want to wear a white wedding dress. According to the actress, the reason for the separation was that their relationship over time became more friendly than love. Theron also rejected formal registration with Townsend in protest against the ban on same-sex marriage in the United States.
The woman's decision that she would have a second foster child, just like the first time, was associated with a failed attempt to formally start a family. Hollywood heartthrob actor Sean Penn was already preparing his Malibu home for Charlize and her son. Another children's room was even equipped, obviously for a joint child. But in 2015, the actress terminated the engagement with her longtime friend, with whom she did not immediately decide on a romantic relationship. Jason was 3 years old when he had a younger sister. The origin of the baby, whom her mother named Augusta (August), is African American. She was adopted from the United States.
Boy or girl
At the heart of human civilization is the system of gender binary society. Experts attribute the first stage of a child's awareness of his gender identity (gender identification) to 2–3 years of age. Toddlers understand that not all people are the same and can already talk about it. But they make a distinction only by external signs - hairstyle, clothing, headdress. A child can recognize a girl in trousers as a boy. And a man with long hair is called a woman. The realization by children that their gender is constant and that a change in appearance cannot lead to a change in gender occurs in the period from 4 to 7 years.
Becoming the mother of the first adorable baby, Charlie coped with parental responsibilities quite safely. The son grew up not needing anything, was always fashionably dressed, was engaged in karate.

However, after a while, those around him began to notice that Charlize was dressing Jason in skirts and dresses, braiding his braids, and allowing him to use lipstick. In this form, the boy goes to school, to music lessons, walks on the street, makes promenades and shopping trips with his mother and sister. Theron replied to criticism that she does not see anything wrong with this, and experimenting with style allows the child to express himself. The star explained that when Jason was three years old, he said: "I'm not a boy!". Therefore, she allows her son to look like a girl. She considers it wrong to force children to behave in accordance with the sex prescribed for them at birth: "parents cannot decide what children should be."
The actress did not particularly bother and delve into the reasons for this behavior of her son. But the child's statement was made at a time when Theron had a little daughter. What is it? Jealousy of the elder to the baby, who at first is given more parental attention and time. Having declared himself a girl, the son just wants to equalize himself with his sister in the rights to his mother's love, to return to himself that mother who previously belonged only to him? Or age-related misunderstanding that the gender given to you at birth is unchanged. Or maybe this is an early manifestation of sexual variability (the so-called gender fluidity)?
Be that as it may, Charlize began to defend the child's right to be as he wants, and raises him free from gender stereotypes. In the fall of 2018, the actress said in an interview with the Daily Mail that she was raising two beautiful daughters. From that time on, my mother began to publicly talk about her boy "she". Jason's wardrobe contains a whole set of girly accessories, mostly in his favorite pink. Even when both children are dressed in sporty style, theron's son is wearing hot pink sneakers. The birthday boy spent his 6th birthday at Disneyland. He wore a fancy black dress depicting Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and wore a bow and shiny pink Minnie Mouse ears.

In numerous interviews that Theron gives for glossy magazines, she insistently repeats that it is her parental duty to love her children, to provide everyone so that they grow up and understand who they want to be. “I want them to be able to express themselves and feel safe. Like any other mother, I worry about my girls and will do everything to protect them. Without a doubt, I am ready to kill for them. " The journalists of some publications considered the last phrase aggressive and preferred to obliterate it from the quoted context. Meanwhile, the origins of the replica "I'm ready to kill for them" go back to the actress's family past.
Mother's lessons
Charlize considers her mother, with whom they are very close, to be an example to follow and her moral guide: “I have an incredible mother. She is my inspiration."

Gerda Theron moved to her daughter in Los Angeles a few years after the tragedy in their family. Charlize's father was an aggressive alcoholic, often raising his hand not to his wife. The atmosphere in the house always depended on his mood. In the heat of a quarrel with her drunken husband, who this time threatened to kill, Gerda shot him with a gun. It happened in front of her 15-year-old daughter. During the proceedings, the women’s actions were recognized as self-defense and acquitted. The girl received a deep psychological trauma, the consequences of which she had to get rid of with the help of therapy sessions. But that was later, at the age of 20 and again 30 years old. And in the days following the tragic event, the mother taught the frightened Charlize to behave as if nothing had happened. For a long time, women hid what had happened from people, saying that the head of the family had died in a car accident. A train of persistent rumors that the daughter pulled the trigger, and the mother, protecting the child, took the blame, accompanied the actress for more than one year.
Gerda Theron made every effort to make the life of her only daughter happy and to ensure her future. Mother was the initiator of the promotion of Charlize in the modeling business. The idea that it is worth going to screen tests in Hollywood also belongs to Gerda. With a one-way ticket to Los Angeles, which her mother bought for Charlize, and a check for $ 500, the 19-year-old girl set off to conquer America. Gerda also left her native place. In 1997, she remarried and moved to Cape Town. The marriage of matter, which Charlize did not approve and endured very painfully, did not last long. Ever since Gerda Theron broke up with her second husband, she has always been with her daughter.

According to Charlize, she is grateful to her mother, under whose influence her views and beliefs were formed: “My mother brought me up so that I was always calm about what was under my dress. She taught me to raise my voice against what I think is wrong. There is compelling evidence of how a daughter learned her mother's lessons:
- While advancing in the modeling business, and later pursuing an artistic career, Charlize always managed to skillfully use her natural sexuality. The actress, now over 40, does not lose her attractiveness, sex appeal and unsurpassed elegance.
- Theron is an animal welfare activist. Takes part in the activities of women's human rights organizations (for the right to abortion, against sexism in Hollywood). Supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.
- Defending the rights of children to behave differently from their biological sex, the daughter also takes an example from her mother. “I worry about my girls and will do everything to protect them. Without a doubt, I am ready to kill for them,”says the actress.

Hollywood mainstream
Charlize Theron is far from the only star person who adheres to free views on the upbringing of a child and defends his right to behave not in accordance with the gender assigned at birth. Other representatives of the artistic community do not bind children with any stereotypes in the perception of their gender:
- Of the 3 young children of Megan Fox, two sons look like girls: the elder Noah and the middle Bodhi. Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: the boys are dressed exactly like Jason in Charlize Theron - a pink fluffy skirt in the form of a ballet tutu or the outfit of a princess from Disney's cartoon "Frozen".
- The youngest son of actors Naomi Watts and Lev Schreiber, 10-year-old Sam, considers himself a girl and wears appropriate clothes.
- The story of the biological daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is as follows: the masculine style of the child, the request to call her a boy, the name change from Shiloh to John. At the age of 13, the girl began to take hormones for gender reassignment.
- All of Kate Hudson's children have different fathers. The youngest daughter Rani Rose was born in October 2018. For the first time showing the newborn baby in public, the mother promised to raise her in a "gender-fluid" spirit. “Not all girls dream of being princesses. Some want to become king,”says the actress, who already has two sons.

In vain are attempts to appeal to star parents with the fact that they should persuade their child in his choice and explain in time that clothes, behavior, actions should be in accordance with the biological sex. Contrary to sound logic and all the laws of nature, they encourage the behavior of their offspring and believe that the child himself must decide who he wants to be and how to live.
The Hollywood mainstream is fluid. The fashion for supporting LGBT people and promoting the theory of the volatility of sexuality has replaced the massive participation of actors in the animal rights movement, when anti-fur demonstrations and widespread veganism were in trend. It is difficult to predict what else Hollywood will want to attract the attention of the press, the public and fans. In the meantime, celebrity children have been sacrificed to fashion.