Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov was born on April 7, 1764 in St. Petersburg. He had many vocations, he was a Russian diplomat and entrepreneur, but the main occupation that brought his name widely known was travel. And Rezanov also compiled the world's first Russian-Japanese dictionary.

Nikolai Rezanov was born into the family of a collegiate councilor, his mother was the daughter of General Okunev. Immediately after his birth, the family moved to Irkutsk, where his father was appointed. The future famous traveler received an excellent education and knew 5 languages.
early years
At the age of 14, he already enlists in the Guards Regiment, which was not available to everyone. There were persistent rumors that Catherine II took an active part in the fate of the young man. Most likely, it will remain a mystery why the Empress's favorite left the service to disappear from her field of vision. After that, he worked for 5 years in the court and the Treasury. But very soon he was summoned to Petersburg, where he began to receive high positions one by one, entering the Imperial Chancellery in 1791. His career continued only upward.
Rezanov married at the age of 30. His wife was Anna Grigorieva, daughter of the capital owner Shelikhov. At the time of the wedding, she was 15 years old. They had two daughters. Anna Grigorievna died in 1802. Under Paul the First, Rezanov successfully served in the Senate, and was awarded the Order of St. Anna II. In 1799, he created the Russian-American company, of which he became the head.
Together with Kruzenshtern
In 1803, Rezanov went to Japan as an ambassador, and already being the ambassador of Russia to this country isolated from the whole world, he took part in a trip around the world with Kruzenshtern. The journey took place on two ships "Neva" and "Nadezhda". Along with Kruzenshtern, Rezanov was the head of this expedition.
During the entire trip, Rezanov and Kruzenshtern could not find a common language, they constantly argued and even swore. As a result, Rezanov closed himself in his cabin, and did not leave it until his arrival in Russia.
Japan and America
Nikolai Petrovich arrived in Japan in September 1804. He was provided with an excellent house, outside of which it was forbidden to go. When 6 months passed, Rezanov was announced that Japan did not want to trade with Russia, and it was proposed to leave the country. After such a statement, Rezanov uttered rudeness to the official who announced this to him and left for Russia, without achieving the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries.
In the same 1804, Rezanov left for Alaska on a mission as an inspector of Russian settlements. The Russian colony appeared before him in a deplorable state. The settlers did not have enough food, and there were other everyday problems. Then Nikolai Petrovich buys a ship filled with food and gives the food to those in need. The ship was called "Juno". Then, with his money, another ship was built - "Avos". Both ships went to California for provisions. There, at the age of 42, Rezanov became engaged to Conchita (Concepcion Arguello), who was the daughter of the commandant of San Francisco. Their relationship became the basis of Voznesensky's poetic work "Avos".
After the betrothal, 42-year-old Rezanov left for Russia. On the way, he caught a great cold, and spent 2 weeks in oblivion. Then he set off again, but never recovered from his illness, and died in Krasnoyarsk. This happened on March 1, 1807. Conchita spent the rest of her life in a monastery.