Most likely, there is no such person in the world who has never seen a spider in his life. Nowadays, spiders are one of the most widespread groups of the animal kingdom. This is not surprising, because spiders are able to survive in such unbearable conditions in which other animals would simply die. Many people are afraid of spiders. Even an insect drawn on paper can scare them. Such a person should try to overcome his fear by drawing a spider himself with a pencil.

It is necessary
Blank paper, pencil and eraser
Step 1
You should start drawing a spider from the image of its abdomen. In the figure, the spider's belly will resemble a circle. It is desirable to place it in the lower right corner of the sheet of paper.
Step 2
Next, with a pencil, you need to draw the back of the spider (the circumference is about two times less than the abdomen).
Step 3
Now that the spider already has an abdomen and back, you need to draw his head. The spider's head is a small circle, half the size of the back circumference.
Step 4
Draw 8 small circles on the back of the pencil spider. 4 - on the right side and the same amount - on the left. These will be the bases for the legs of the animal.
Step 5
Now from each of the eight small circles you need to draw 8 long narrow ovals sticking out to the sides. Thus, the parts of the legs closest to the body of the animal are depicted.
Step 6
Now you should draw the second parts to the first parts of the spider's legs. These are slightly curved pencil stripes ending in small circles. The spider now has all of its 8 legs.
Step 7
Next, on the tips of the spider's legs with a pencil, you need to draw the animal's claws, similar to long sharp triangles. All extra pencil lines should be carefully erased with an eraser.
Step 8
It's time to add its venomous fangs to the spider (a pair of small, curved lines on the spider's head).
Step 9
On the abdomen of a drawn spider, you can depict a pattern of a pair of circles. A few small hairs sticking out of the abdomen of the animal will also be useful.
Step 10
The spider drawn in pencil on paper is ready. He's not scary at all.