The main feature that distinguishes Spider-Man from other super-heroes and ordinary people is his colorful costume. In addition, the drawing must reflect the characteristic poses of this character.

Step 1
Start with a picture of the male body. Keep in mind that Spider-Man adopts uncharacteristic postures for ordinary people. He may, for example, squat with his knees spread wide and resting the fingers of one hand on the surface of the floor. Be sure to draw the way Spider-Man folds his fingers when he releases the web. He turns his hand with the inside up, pulls his thumb to the side, bends the middle and ring fingers. Observe the proportions of the human body, but remember that Peter Parker was not a particularly large man, in the process of being Spider-Man he gained muscles.
Step 2
Start drawing the Spider-Man costume. Select a trapezoidal area from the middle of the torso to the armpits. The sleeve must be divided by the longitudinal line of the bone. Draw lines down the middle of the calf. The underarms, torso and upper legs will be colored dark blue, the rest will be red. Please note that the fabric of the suit completely hides the arms and legs of the character, Spider-Man has no shoes.
Step 3
Select the eye area on the mask. There are no slits in the fabric; the grayish zone has the shape of a butterfly's wings. On the bridge of the nose, the lines form an angle of about 60 degrees, the upper segment is longer than the lower one and is slightly curved inward. A rounded line connects the ends of the rays. Highlight the contours of the "eye sockets" in bold.
Step 4
Draw cobwebs on Spider-Man's suit. It covers only those areas that will later be colored red. A drawing begins on the bridge of the nose, 8 rays come out from one point. Further, the web diverges over the entire surface in increasing trapezoids and rectangles. On the fingers, the web looks like parallel horizontal lines.
Step 5
Start coloring the picture. For the eye area, use a metallic gray shade. Color the part of the suit that is decorated with cobwebs red, the rest dark blue. Make the web a little convex, mix black with silver.