When drawing small animals such as insects and spiders, the focus is on image accuracy. When looking at a drawing, it should be immediately clear who is depicted on it. It's easy enough to make anyone recognize the spider in your drawing.

Step 1
Remember, a spider is not an insect. Spiders differ, among other things, in a special body structure, and your task is to portray this clearly. The spider's body consists of the cephalothorax, abdomen and legs. Between the cephalothorax and the abdomen, the spider has a kind of "waist", roughly, like a wasp - in the figure, the cephalothorax and abdomen should be separated. The shape of both the abdomen and the cephalothorax is round, it differs in different species of spiders, but these differences are insignificant for you, unless you are a professional artist and do not seek to illustrate a textbook on biology.
Step 2
Spiders are clearly distinguished from other species by the number of legs. Your spider should have eight legs. In principle, on the spider's cephalothorax there are also the so-called pedipalps, legs - the spider feels everything around with these organs - but the image of eight legs is enough to clearly recognize the spider.
Step 3
If you are striving for a schematic drawing, then you can limit yourself to the already mentioned details of the spider silhouette. For greater realism, you can add eyes - some species of spiders have eight of them, some have fewer, and some do not have them at all - and jaws. The spider's jaws are powerful, because spiders are predators, which means they should be clearly marked in your drawing if you want to detail it.