Agree that crockery breaks in the house is not so rare as it seems. Do not rush to throw out the fragments, with their help you can create an original mosaic box.

It is necessary
- - a small wooden box;
- - fragments of broken dishes;
- - white cement;
- - strong glue;
- - acrylic paint;
- - a hammer;
- - brush.
Step 1
Smaller fragments must be made from large fragments. To do this, put them on a newspaper and cover with another sheet of newspaper on top, that is, the fragments will be between the layers of paper. Then, gently start tapping on the pieces of broken crockery.

Step 2
After the fragments have become of the desired size, you can begin to surround the casket with them. To do this, apply strong glue to each element and, accordingly, glue it to the wooden surface. Lay out the fragments in such a way that you get something like a mosaic, that is, select parts that fit each other. If the fragments are of different thickness, then they need to be laid out on one level due to a layer of glue.

Step 3
The remaining gaps between the fragments must be rubbed with white cement. To do this, dilute it with water to the desired consistency, then with your finger begin to drive the cement into the seams so that there are no voids in them.

Step 4
As soon as the cement sets, you need to remove its excess from the fragments. Just wipe them down with a damp cloth.

Step 5
Now it's time for the inside of the box. It can be decorated with acrylic paint or upholstered with fabric.

Step 6
Also, the surface of the craft can be decorated with other elements of broken dishes. For example, you can glue the handle with a broken cup to the center of the box - you can use it to open the craft. The mosaic box is ready!