How To Learn To Knit Socks

How To Learn To Knit Socks
How To Learn To Knit Socks

Table of contents:


Knitted woolen socks are always associated with home warmth, comfort, kindness. In the northern regions, woolen socks are in great demand due to climatic conditions. To learn how to knit socks, it is enough to be able to perform the front and back loops.

Woolen socks are always warm and cozy
Woolen socks are always warm and cozy

It is necessary

  • - a ball of wool (or other yarn) 70-150 g
  • - knitting needles 5 pcs. (the number of needles depending on the thickness of the threads).


Step 1

Calculation of loops when knitting socks.

We knit socks on five needles. When dialing, the number of loops should be a multiple of four. For a couple, approximately 70-150 g of thread is required, depending on their density. The size of the foot and the age of the person for whom the socks are intended are taken into account.

To determine how many loops need to be cast on the knitting needles for work, it is recommended to measure the circumference of the leg at the bone and the circumference along the rise. Now we calculate the average circumference of the leg. We do this by adding both measures, then divide the result by two.

Example: leg circumference at the bone - 23 cm, leg circumference at the instep - 27 cm.

We get: 23 + 27 = 50; 50: 2 = 25.

So, in this example, we determine the number of loops required for 25 cm. Next, select the knitting density for the elastic and collect as many loops as is included in the length of 25 cm - 60 loops (15 loops for 4 knitting needles).

Step 2

Sock knitting technology.

We start knitting a sock with an elastic band. Most often, an elastic band is used with a ratio of front and back loops of 1 x 1 (tighter knit) or a ratio of 2 x 2. The length of the elastic is approximately 9-10 cm.

The main part of the sock is knitted with face loops.

When moving from knitting elastic to the main knitting, loops should be reduced along the entire row. To do this, you need to knit two together. We knit in garter stitch about 4-8 cm (as you like) to the heel.

Using threads of different colors will "revive" the product
Using threads of different colors will "revive" the product

Step 3

Heel knitting.

After knitting the loops located on the 1 and 2 knitting needles, we begin to knit the heel. We knit it from the loops located on the 3rd and 4th needles - on the 30 remaining loops (60 loops: 2). First, we knit them with one knitting needle, then move on to knitting on two knitting needles. We carry out the height of the heel in garter stitch. For children's socks, the heel height is about 3-4 cm, up to size 35 of shoes - 4 - 5.5 cm, and from size 35 it is about -6 cm.

After the heel height is tied, we begin to decrease the loops. We mentally divide all the loops into three parts. The two outermost parts will have the same number of loops, and in the middle you can leave 6 (12-6-12) loops in our example.

We start decreasing the loops from the seamy row. To do this, we knit together the last loop of the side and the first loop of the middle part. We knit 4 loops of the central part, and again together 6 loops of this part and 1 side part.

We knit the front side without subtraction.

Then we reduce again, knitting with purl loops.

And so on until there are 6 loops in the middle part.

Step 4

Knitting of a foot (trace).

From the resulting edge of the heel, we collect new loops with a knitting needle, on which the loops of the middle part. Then we gradually knit all loops on 1 and 2 needles. Then, using a free knitting needle and from the other edge of the heel, we collect the same number of loops as we did from the first edge. On the same (4th) knitting needle, we tie up half of the loops of the middle part of the heel (3 loops). Make sure that the number of loops on the 3rd and 4th needles is the same.

After a set of new loops on the 3 and 4 knitting needles, the loops may become more than 1 and 2. We reduce the excess loops through the circle and only on these knitting needles.

We do this: on the 3 knitting needle at the beginning of the main part of the sock, we knit two loops together, throwing them over. On the 4th knitting needle at the end, knit two together with the front loop. We decrease so much to get the initial number of loops on each spoke. Then we knit in a circle to the base of the thumb, after which we begin to decrease the loops.

In order for the decrease of the loops to have a rounded shape, you need to knit together two front loops in the middle and at the end of the main part of the sock on each knitting needle. The number of rows that we knit without subtracting should always correspond to the number of loops that we knit between two reduced loops on each knitting needle.

After the work is completed, the socks need to be ironed through a damp cloth. There is no need to iron the elastic.
