The eyes in the drawing make a person's face alive, but drawing them deep is not at all easy. You will have to spoil the paper and erase the lead a lot before you manage to portray a crafty or mysterious gleam in the eyes.

It is necessary
- - album;
- - simple soft pencils;
- - eraser.
Step 1
Start by taking a close look at the eye you are about to draw. Its shape, location and thickness of the eyelids, the length of the eyelashes. Try to make a vivid picture, which will have to lie on the paper, take shape in your head.
Sketch out the main features of the eye. Don't forget about the tear duct in the inner corner of the eye. This angle is usually just below the outside. You will change the sketch more than once in the course of work, so do not immediately get hung up on the details.

Step 2
We make shadows with light shading, which should give depth and volume to the eyeball. The location of the shadows will depend on the direction of the light. Give the lower eyelid thickness, and make the upper line thicker. Mark the folds of the eyelids - the older the person, the more of them, and they will be deeper.
The eyeball is a ball, so you can add volume to it with the help of shadows. Don't make the common mistake of depicting an elliptical eye.

Step 3
Draw the outline of the iris, it will be round. Look closely at the model - the top and bottom edges of the iris may be hidden behind the eyelids. Shade this circle lightly to highlight it for further work.
The brightest element of the eye is the round black pupil, its size depends on the lighting. The pupil is located at the most convex point of the eyeball, which means that the highlight will lie on it. Apply a shadow from the upper eyelid to the iris and add saturation to it with smooth transitions.

Step 4
Draw the tear duct - there are a lot of small details, and, therefore, shadows and highlights.
Move on to the lashes. They have different bends and lengths for different people. Draw them from the growth line, lifting the pencil towards the end of the movement. This will keep the eyelashes naturally sharp at the tips. This technique can be worked out separately on a piece of paper so as not to spoil the overall drawing.

Step 5
Draw the eyebrow hairs in the same way as the eyelashes. Set aside the drawing so that after a while you can find flaws with a fresh look and correct them. Check again all the shadows - from eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes. Draw small wrinkles with light pencil strokes.