Astrologers assure that the attitude towards life also depends on the constellation under which the person was born. Some zodiac signs endure difficulties easily and look to the future with optimism, while for some even the most trifling problems can spoil the mood for a long time.

Fire Release - Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
Fire signs tend to somewhat dramatize events. Sometimes it is difficult for them to adequately assess the situation and draw the right conclusions. Their weak point is natural impulsiveness. Sometimes it seems to them that there is no hope, and they become gloomy and may even fall into a prolonged depression. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, like no one else, value peace of mind and harmony in life. Sometimes even the smallest problem can unsettle them for a long time, but in general they are optimistic. It all depends on what kind of people they are around.
Earth Release - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Earth signs are more prone to pessimism and a critical outlook on life than others. Taurus, Capricorns and Virgo are suspicious of most of the events that take place in their destiny. Being under the auspices of the Earth, these signs often think in stereotypes, which prevents them from enjoying life and breathing deeply. Signs under the auspices of the Earth are characterized by black humor. We can say that they are more realistic than pessimists. The energy of the Earth gives them a sharp mind and allows them to look at life without rose-colored glasses and evaluate it without succumbing to impulsive impulses.
Air Release - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Signs under the auspices of Air are incorrigible optimists. They look to the future with hope. Sometimes, others may even think that they do not care at all, so easily they endure troubles. The lightness inherent in all signs of Air helps them cope with pressing problems. No matter how old they are, they will believe only in the best at any age.
Water Release - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Water signs tend to succumb to their momentary emotions. Deep down, they remain optimists, but in public they show their deliberate pessimism. Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces love to show their disappointment in life. Sometimes this behavior helps them draw attention to themselves or find inner harmony. In general, they are still optimists, although those around them do not always guess about it.