How To Learn To Sing Cleanly

How To Learn To Sing Cleanly
How To Learn To Sing Cleanly

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If you are not a great singer or even a student at a music school, but you want to sing cleanly and beautifully, you will have to put in a lot of effort to improve yourself. Work on yourself will not be in vain: happiness from creativity and admiring eyes of the audience will be a reward for your efforts.

How to learn to sing cleanly
How to learn to sing cleanly

It is necessary

  • - textbooks on intonation,
  • - vocal teacher,
  • - piano,
  • - exercises for working on intonation.


Step 1

Find a teacher of classical or pop singing. Learning to sing on your own is difficult and sometimes dangerous. You run the risk of getting ligament diseases if the sound is not produced correctly. It is impossible to purely intonate without regular training in the development of hearing, breath management, chants and other exercises.

Hearing can be innate, but even if you are unlucky, this is not a reason to despair: it can be developed. Even a good ear does not guarantee high-altitude purity of notes: it happens that a person hears flaws perfectly, but is not able to correct them.

Step 2

Take books and sheet music from the library to work on intonation. There are many textbooks and teaching aids dedicated to the development of hearing.

Most often they are designed for teachers of music schools and colleges, but you can put the advice into practice. Practice regularly and conscientiously: check the accuracy of hitting the notes on the piano, sight-sing, practice difficult places for intonation.

Step 3

Listen more and repeat after the vocalists who inspire you. It is important to develop inner hearing. To do this, you need to listen to music and repeat it, sing scales, try to feel the intra-fret gravitation.

Even instrumental musicians, working on a piece, sing it in their heads. Thus, they try to present the melody not as a sequence of notes, but as a thought that grows and develops, has a culmination and completion. All this is emphasized by an expressive melodic line, dynamics (louder - quieter), accents, strokes (smoothly - abruptly).

Step 4

Listen to the silence, rest. Rest your ears. It is impossible to constantly engage in intonation exercises, otherwise you will cease to distinguish the pitch of sounds. Fatigue also negatively affects the emotional state of the singer. Take days of silence, listen to the sounds of nature. This will have a beneficial effect on the voice and on the ability to intonate melodies.
