For some reason, it is generally accepted that a person is either able to sing from birth, or he will never be able to master this art in his life. In fact, everything is not so difficult - in principle, if there is a desire and a lot of free time, everyone can learn to sing.

Of course, if by nature you have very modest vocal abilities, as a result of the lessons you will hardly learn to sing in a luxurious voice that will allow you to enter the opera stage. But to hit the notes and sing in such a way that your voice is in harmony with the music, you will certainly learn. The first thing you should do is develop your own ear for music. It is necessary to start the exercises with singing in unison. The main challenge at this stage is learning how to tune your own voice to whatever sound you hear. To do this, you can use any source of lingering monotonous sound (for example, holding down the keys on a piano or synthesizer). Once you learn to be in tune with different sound sources, you need to start exercises to help develop your vocal cords and regulate your breathing. To learn to sing, you first need to learn how to breathe correctly. The inhalation should be deep, complete. Only then will you be able to hit a long note and your voice will not break. For the development of the vocal cords, you can use any exercises that are aimed at honing the mastery of owning your own voice and its modulations. There are entire tutorials that collect the most effective of these exercises. The simplest of these is the daily repeated singing of vowel sounds with a constant change in tone. Choose any sound - and sing it, learning the richness of modulations of your own voice and getting used to using it as a convenient instrument. In just a few months of such classes, you will be able to master your own voice much better, be able to adapt to any melody, and sing in unison with various musical instruments.