Even the simplest and most inconspicuous beret can look very impressive, if, of course, you try a little. All that is needed to give a headdress a special zest is to decorate it with suitable decorative elements.

How to decorate a knitted beret
The easiest way to decorate a knitted beret is to sew on the entire headdress, excluding the elastic, large and medium-sized beads. You can sew them as your imagination tells you, for example, beads can be sewn in a spiral, trying to make the distances between decorative elements the same, or you can attach them in a chaotic manner.
Lovers of brighter things can be advised to decorate the beret with multi-colored buttons of different diameters. A headdress decorated with similar decorative elements will certainly appeal to young women.
Choose the best finishing option for yourself and get started. In order for the pattern to ultimately turn out to be even, first, using large stitches, depict the necessary pattern on the beret, and then proceed directly to the finishing itself. When finished, remove the threads.

How to decorate a felt beret
A single-colored felt beret looks boring without finishing, so many girls, having purchased such an accessory, think about how to decorate it. There are many options for the decor of a felt beret, for example, hats decorated with original patterns made of beads, rhinestones or beads look very interesting.
In order to decorate the beret with one of the types of the above-described elements, put the beret on a three-liter jar, and then mark an oval or round outline with ordinary pins (a pattern will be created within it). Next, start decorating the accessory: carefully sew or glue the decorative elements in the form of a certain pattern. It is advisable to apply the drawing itself on the headdress in advance, depicting it with the help of a special crayon.