Do Violets Need Souls

Do Violets Need Souls
Do Violets Need Souls

It is believed that moisture ingress on the leaves of the uzambar violets harms the plants, which is why these flowers even risk getting sick. Is it really?

Do violets need souls
Do violets need souls

Saintpaulia or Usambara violet is native to the tropics of East Africa, the climate of which has accustomed these plants to both drought and torrential rains. In nature, violets often watered rains, and plants do not suffer from this. A good shower will only be beneficial. The only question is how to do it right.

A shower for Saintpaulias is necessary, because all the dust from the soft pubescent leaves is washed off with water, with which they are gradually covered at home. Neither a brush nor a napkin can completely remove the accumulated dust and open the pores for the leaves to breathe.

When bathing your violets, you should adhere to several rules:

- it is necessary to wash the flowers only with warm water, trying not to wash out the soil in the pot. For this, it is better for beginners to use a piece of film, a bag to wrap the pot or close the top of the pot;


- the stream of water should not be strong, otherwise you can simply break the leaves. Blooming specimens are not afraid of the soul. Yes, you may have to pinch off some damaged flowers, but the plants will soon please with new, stronger peduncles;

- water should drip from the center to the edge of the leaves and flow down. In this case, the pot must be slightly turned to rinse all the leaves. The plant is washed until the water has washed off all the dust;


- after a shower, the plants are placed in a quiet, warm place, without drafts, keeping out the sun until all the leaves are completely dry. Only then are they returned to their permanent place of residence.

This washing can be done regularly. In the cold season, if the temperature in the house is below 20 ° C, then it is better not to apply such a procedure.