Violets are also called saintpaulias. Almost every grower has them. This houseplant is unpretentious and does not require special careful personal care. When growing violets, you will mainly need to monitor the lighting and ensure timely watering.

Unlike other moody plants, violets can grow in almost any conditions. The plant looks quite attractive - handfuls of beautiful small flowers look festive and elegant. The color of the flowers can be very different - from white and pale pink to dark purple.
What conditions are needed for the successful growth of violets
For violets, there is no need to maintain a special temperature regime - it is quite satisfied with the usual room temperature. The plant generally "likes" the bright color, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. The most favorable location is the north window. You can also hang blackout curtains - they slightly muffle the effect of strong sunlight.
In the room where the violet grows, there must be sufficient humidity. Watering for violets should be kept moderate - twice a week is enough. A blooming violet should be watered as carefully as possible, try not to flood the inflorescences with water. At this time, even spraying can damage the plant. We have to use a gentle method - watering from the pallet.
Where violets feel best
Keeping violets in the house is not only pleasant, but also useful - they absorb some of the carbon dioxide present in the air and release oxygen. With their help, the atmosphere in the home is significantly improved. If a gas stove is used for cooking, it is most appropriate to place violets in the kitchen, that is, where its concentration is increased. But they should not be placed in the immediate vicinity of the stove, so that the fumes from the food do not create deposits on the leaves that prevent them from breathing. Many growers note that after moving plants to the kitchen, they grow and develop better than when they were in another room.
A kitchen in a home is a special functional room where the humidity is usually increased. In addition, cooking food tends to be warmer here than in other rooms. During the flowering period, the violet, which should be watered with great care, and even then only the roots, will receive as much moisture as it needs. If you do not put the plant near the stove and choose a place with sufficient lighting for it, you simply cannot find a room better than a kitchen.
As far as the careful selection of lighting is concerned, this is not a whim. To bloom, a violet needs good portions of light, daily, for 12-14 hours. Please note that violets, constantly occupying the same place on the windowsill, usually bloom in May. After the dim winter sun, two months pass - March and April, and just this time is enough for the peduncle to develop. When using special lighting that illuminates Saintpaulia for 12-14 hours, it will bloom more often and grow faster.