How Souls Migrate

How Souls Migrate
How Souls Migrate

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Transmigration of souls (or reincarnation) is a constant reincarnation of a human soul (in some doctrines and an animal) after the next death of its physical body. In other words, the doctrine of reincarnation is a belief in the immortal essence of the human spirit, built on a whole group of religious and philosophical doctrines.

Not a single fact of transmigration of souls has yet been recorded
Not a single fact of transmigration of souls has yet been recorded


Step 1

The belief in the transmigration of the souls of dead people has rather ancient roots. The first to talk about this phenomenon in the East. It is curious that until now the question related to the transmigration of souls is of interest to scientists around the world. It is known that the founders of the study of reincarnation were American scientists: psychologists Helen Wombach and Sorvard Deslefsen, as well as professor of psychiatry Ian Stevenson. Later, their followers organized special departments at the Institute of Parapsychology in Great Britain, as well as at the University of Munich in Germany.

Step 2

The possibility of transmigration of souls is not so much a scientific phenomenon as a religious doctrine, part of the belief in an afterlife. Curiously, even today, some of the savage peoples of Asia and Africa are firmly convinced of the reincarnation of their souls. Over time, this religious teaching included the concept of retribution, i.e. the influence of a karmic connection on the essence of a person. According to such doctrines, each person after his next bodily death receives in a new life exactly what he deserves in the old one. Woland said so: "Everyone gets what he deserves."

Step 3

Reincarnation advocates are convinced that they know exactly how souls are transmigrated. They believe that after the physical death of its body, the soul, wandering through parallel worlds, will surely find a new "shelter". It can be both the body of a human embryo, which is still in the mother's womb, and the body of an animal, and sometimes an ordinary object! According to the Hindu concepts of reincarnation, good souls can stop reincarnating, reborn in divine forms, and evil ones will constantly inhabit bad people or animals.

Step 4

According to the karmic teachings, in each of its new lives, the soul gets another chance to correct its previous mistakes. And whether she will correct them or not - depends only on her. If we consider the transmigration of souls as a process, then a certain chain will turn out: the present has already been determined by the past, and the future is determined by what is happening at the present time. Such is the pun. By the way, according to the Eastern teachings on the transmigration of souls, any person is able to live from 5 to 50 reincarnations. After this, nothingness supposedly occurs, i.e. the soul finally ceases to exist and is erased from all parallel worlds.

Step 5

Sometimes you can find such a religious doctrine. Before finally disappearing into oblivion, the human soul passes through a huge variety of animal forms: it must and repeatedly need to infuse people, animals, and plants. Buddhists generally believe that there is a so-called "wheel of being." In other words, the soul has a whole chain of reincarnations: from gods and titans to humans and animals. As mentioned above, reincarnation is not a science, but a religious and philosophical doctrine. However, scientists studying this phenomenon do not exclude that people can remember their past lives. This happens supposedly in individual cases: a person has received a head injury, he has mental disorders, he is in a trance state.

Step 6

Moreover, it is believed that souls who have migrated not for the first time have some kind of “memory”. For example, events of a past life can have a direct impact on the behavior of a particular person in the present: a person may be terribly afraid of water because in one of his previous lives he drowned, and someone is afraid of fire, because in the past he was already burned alive during fire, etc. It should be noted that no one has yet recorded the fact of transmigration of souls. From a scientific point of view, all human shortcomings and vices are explained by heredity and poor upbringing.