How To Cut A Flower Out Of Soap

How To Cut A Flower Out Of Soap
How To Cut A Flower Out Of Soap

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The fashionable passion for making soap is not limited to the actual production of fragrant mass for washing. Real masterpieces can be created from the soap base. Using the technique of sculpting and carving (cutting out thin layers with a special knife), you will learn how to make flowers and whole compositions.

How to cut a flower out of soap
How to cut a flower out of soap

It is necessary

  • - soap base or grated baby soap - 200 gr;
  • - food gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • - water - 8-9 tbsp. l.;
  • - food colors, flavors, essential oils;
  • - a knife for cleaning vegetables;
  • - a knife with a smooth blade or a stack for sculpting.


Step 1

Prepare your sculpting soap. To do this, pour gelatin with cold water and leave to swell for 30-40 minutes. Melt the soap base or grated baby soap in a water bath or in a microwave oven (in 10-15 second intervals). Then add to the resulting mass add colors and flavors as desired and pour in the gelatin. Mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and wait until it hardens (you can put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes). For these purposes, only bendable materials (plastic or silicone) are suitable, since it is almost impossible to get frozen soap from a metal and ceramic container without damaging it.

Step 2

Try to mold roses from a still warm and not completely frozen cylindrical soap blank. Use a paring knife to cut thin semicircular slices. Roll them into a small roll: the first is tight, the second is a little freer around it, and so on. You will get a rose, which will remain to be decorated with leaves cut from soap. To do this, roll out a small layer from a green blank, cut out an oblong pointed sheet and apply veins on it with a knife blade or stack. Attach the leaves to the base of the bud. If the soap is hard and does not stick, drip melted base over the joint.

Step 3

Sculpt other flowers from soap blanks: poppies, daisies, carnations. To create soap poppies, cut out the petals as described above, crush them with your fingers, making them larger and flat. Combine several petals in the form of a wide-opening flower. Add small soap shavings in the center of a contrasting color and the poppies are ready. It is even easier to create a chamomile - just cut out the contours of the petals from a flat blank.

Step 4

Practice cutting flowers from a single bar of soap. For this, use dry and hard workpieces of a spherical shape or close to it. With a sharp knife with a thin blade, start carving the petals from the core of the flower, gradually peeling away the layers below. The thinner the layer to be removed, the more delicate and weightless the petal will turn out.
