How To Make A Do-it-yourself Mosquito Trap

How To Make A Do-it-yourself Mosquito Trap
How To Make A Do-it-yourself Mosquito Trap

During the summer, many people are looking for mosquito control products. But you can get rid of annoying itching with the help of a self-made trap. Depending on the means at hand, you can make a simple or electromechanical trap.

Mosquito Killer Trap
Mosquito Killer Trap

How to make a simple mosquito trap?

To make a simple mosquito trap, you will need: a 2 liter plastic bottle, a knife, scotch tape, black paper, a cooking thermometer, water and sugar, and dried yeast.

First, cut off the top of the bottle where it starts to expand. Insert this cut-off top into the bottle with the neck down. Now secure the edges of the resulting funnel with tape. Get busy making sugar syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in a glass of boiled water and mix the resulting solution with two glasses of cool water. Be sure to check the temperature of the fluid. It should not exceed 30 ° C. After reaching the optimum temperature, add yeast to the mixture. You don't need to stir anything.

Pour the prepared mixture into a bottle and wrap it in black paper. All that remains is to place the finished trap in a dark corner and change the syrup twice a month.

DIY Electromechanical Destroyer Trap

If you want to make a better mosquito control, you can try building an electromechanical trap. To create a masterpiece, you will need materials at hand. The main part of the trap is an electric motor providing a suction effect. The principle of operation of the device is that insects are drawn into the trap and remain in a special container.

12 Volts DC can be used as the basis for the power supply. It is better to choose a cooler that will serve as a fan for the trap. The body can be an ordinary plastic can (for example, from under mayonnaise). Take such a jar and make a hole in its bottom. Its diameter should match the diameter of the cooler blades. By the way, the cooler is usually equipped with screws. Use these screws to screw it to the bottom of the plastic can. In this case, the cooler must remain outside.

Now is the time to start thinking about the bait. It is best to use a 12-volt bayonet bulb and socket. It will heat up the surrounding air and create a faint glow. It has long been proven that light is one of the main attraction factors for mosquitoes and other flying insects. Green LEDs can be used as a light source. Moreover, it will be more profitable to buy them not separately, but in the tape. Place the LEDs inside the container. They will attract insects from outside.

But light bait won't be enough. You will also need to use yeast, lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Pre-add a container for future bait to the design. For these purposes, a plastic bottle cap with a valve is suitable. In its upper part, you need to make three holes and insert pieces of copper wire in the insulation. Also, the wire must be attached to the top of the trap body.

Add yeast and a few drops of kefir to the bait container. The principle of yeast fermentation will be used to generate carbon dioxide. Now it remains to take a mesh bag with ties and put it on the bottom of the trap. This will be a container for the caught mosquitoes.