How To Make A Trap For Mobs In Minecraft

How To Make A Trap For Mobs In Minecraft
How To Make A Trap For Mobs In Minecraft

Various mobs found in Minecraft serve as a source of various resources for players that will certainly come in handy in gameplay. However, getting loot from these creatures can be very difficult - after all, you must first meet with them, and even kill them. It is much easier to arrange a trap for them, in which they would receive some kind of damage or even be killed.

Various mobs fall into the trap set by the player
Various mobs fall into the trap set by the player

The simplest traps for a mob

There are several options for how to make a trap, from which few creatures of the ordinary Minecraft game world will be able to get out. At the same time, the mechanics of such devices are so simple that even an inexperienced gamer can organize something similar. In addition, few resources are required here.

Each trap uses some of the properties of the "Minecraft" mobs. Creatures for which any such trap is intended are not capable of breaking blocks, and if there are walls of sufficient height, they will not be able to jump out.

For one such trap, it is necessary to dig four holes on its sides on a flat area of soil around a single square of earth, in which the pistons should be installed. A pressure plate is placed in the central square, and above it, at a height of about a couple of cubes, an ordinary single block of earth. It is worth putting torches on it to attract the attention of various mobs.

When any creature enters the center of the trap, its elementary mechanism will work: the pistons will move out, and the mob between them will be immobilized. He will not even be able to jump - this will be prevented by the upper solid block. The doomed prisoner will only have to wait for the appearance of the gamer, who will collect loot from him.

In a similar way, another trap is set - but using doors instead of pistons. It is good because even spiders will not be able to get out of it. Here, a pressure plate is placed on any square of the earth, and doors are placed at its corners. A solid block is placed at their height in the air above the center of the trap (and torches are placed on it). When the mob stands on the pressure plate, the doors slam.

Gamers should be careful when approaching such a trap. If they used wooden doors, in the new versions of Minecraft, an arrow of a skeleton can easily pass through the holes in them (when exactly he was captured). However, not always a bony monster will be able to use his bow to hit the player in such tightness.

Trap for a large number of creatures

The above simple traps and their counterparts have one serious drawback - they only work for one mob. Until the player takes the trapped creature, it cannot be used for another. Therefore, if you want to regularly receive a large amount of loot, you need to build a larger device with a more complicated mechanism.

Some of these traps will require elementary resources available to everyone. For example, if a player discovers a flat piece of land not far from his home, he can dig a hole in the center of it two by two or three by three blocks, and from the sides of the resulting quadrangle dig trenches eight in length and three cubes deep each.

The central square, to which these ditches lead, must be excavated to a sufficient depth - it is possible even to the bedrock (adminium). At the bottom of such a mine, you definitely need to make something like a room, to which a gamer should bring a tunnel or a staircase from his house.

In order to increase the area of the trap, you can draw a few more smaller ones from its central trenches. Water must be poured into the main ditches so that it flows to the center of the trap. The main thing is not to overdo it with the height of the walls of the trenches (three blocks will be enough), since monsters of their own free will will not jump into deep holes and for this reason they will not fall into a trap.

When using water in the trap device, the player must not forget that it spreads no further than eight blocks from the source. Therefore, for a large mechanism, a significant amount of it may be needed.

The game when using such a trap will be much more interesting if you build a dome or other canopy over the trenches. Then hostile mobs will spawn next to the trap not only at night, but also during the day, bringing the gamer a lot of valuable loot. For many of them, a fall from a height to the final destination-room will be fatal.

For most friendly creatures, however, it is not dangerous. Chickens, when falling into such a trap, will help themselves to successfully land with their wings (by the way, therefore, the above trap will also be good for organizing an egg farm), jumping from any height does not threaten ocelots in general, and the sheep will not lose their wool.
