If you are going to hunt for pike, a trap for hunting this fish may come in handy. These traps are sold in stores, you can also try to make it yourself. Here are some helpful tips.

Step 1
Modern anglers often use a pike trap because the device is easy to use. Making such a trap at home is not easy because it requires certain locksmith skills. It's easier to buy a trap in a store. We will tell you more about how to use a pike trap.
Step 2
Put the bait on the lower prong and secure with a wire (it is desirable that the bait is alive, it will attract the attention of the pike with its movements).
Step 3
The trap works as follows: when the pike swallows the bait, the gatehouse jumps off, and the trap slams on the upper jaw of the predator. Using a trap, set it as close to the bottom as possible, fasten the rope to a strong branch.
Step 4
A distinctive feature of this method of fishing is the cumbersome design of the trap, which means that it will be noticeable (the pike can be scared off by this fact). Therefore, the device should be installed where there are really a lot of fish.
Step 5
In case you could not buy a pike trap in the store, you can try to build it yourself. The trap consists of rods equipped with sharp notches, they must be closed at the right time with a spring.
Step 6
In order to ensure the desired position of the trap in the water, the gatehouse must have a line or wire. Calculate the size of the trap based on the size of the fish you are going to hunt.
Step 7
Leave the distance between the teeth so that they are several times the width of the bait. You should not make very small traps for pike, since it is more convenient to catch small individuals in other ways. The maximum size, in principle, does not exist, that is, the choice is yours. The main thing is a competent design of the trap, otherwise your fingers may suffer during the fixing of the bait, since the trap can accidentally work.