How To Make A Nesting Doll With Your Own Hands?

How To Make A Nesting Doll With Your Own Hands?
How To Make A Nesting Doll With Your Own Hands?

The national Russian souvenir - matryoshka - today can be bought in almost any souvenir shop. However, it is not necessary to spend money, because you can make a matryoshka yourself. The most beautiful and unusual nesting dolls are made from plasticine and papier-mâché.

How to make a nesting doll with your own hands?
How to make a nesting doll with your own hands?

DIY plasticine matryoshka

In order to sculpt a nesting doll from plasticine, it is not at all necessary to buy a special sculptural plasticine. You can borrow regular material from any stationery or school supply store.

So, you will need several pieces of plasticine of different colors, a knife for cutting it (usually sold with plasticine), a wooden or plastic surface, a teaspoon, matches. Sculpt the body of the matryoshka from one large piece of plasticine.

To make the face of the matryoshka, use a regular teaspoon to make a small oval indentation in the place for the face. Roll up a small white plasticine ball and place it in the middle of the dent. Then flatten the ball so that you get an even white oval. At the same time, you should not violate the integrity of the figure of your souvenir. Using matches, make holes for the eyes of the matryoshka, which will become small balls of black plasticine.

You can also paint the nesting doll using acrylic paints.

DIY paper matryoshka

Papier-mâché is one of the favorite types of crafts among people of all ages, because products from it are surprisingly beautiful and even durable. Including nesting dolls.

You will need any soft paper you can find in your home. Perhaps you have old newspapers lying around or some wrapping paper left over from the past holidays.

Prepare the paper for work by tearing it into small pieces. Do not try to make them even - tear as you can. Once the paper is ready, you can start working. For the form, salt shakers, beer glasses or jugs, which are similar in shape to nesting dolls, are ideal.

Pour PVA glue into a flat dish and, dipping pieces of paper in it, glue them over your jug or glass. When you completely glue the piece, let the glue dry completely so that your piece does not fall apart when you remove it. In order to remove the product from the mold, cut it into two parts with a clerical knife, and then simply glue the two parts into one.

The last stage of making papier-mâché nesting dolls is the most creative and interesting. Cover your matryoshka with a primer, smooth with sandpaper and start painting. You can use any paints, the main thing is not to limit your imagination and not to overdo it with patterns.