Feelings are usually expressed: words, gestures, looks. But it is also possible to portray a feeling. For example, portraying love is a completely feasible task, you just need to use the means that will allow the viewer to understand that the picture is “about love”.

The colors of love
The perception of any work of fine art begins precisely with its color scheme. On a subconscious level, color adjusts a person to a certain emotional wave.
Some people think that color perception is traditional; that, for example, black is interpreted as mourning and ominous, and the image of love and passion is simply "clothed" in red tones.
But it is not so. Color is also perceived by people unconsciously. Perhaps this is due to how the aura changes at the moment when a person experiences certain feelings. Interesting studies of the human aura allowed us to determine the true "colors of love."
It turns out that the sincere love that a person experiences is overflowing in his aura with splashes of overflows of silvery or golden radiance.
In a person experiencing pure, selfless love, the aura shimmers with delicate shades from emerald (when inhaling) to lilac-pink (when exhaling). It is no coincidence that about someone who is ready to see only good in life and people, they say that he perceives life in a pink light and looks at the world through rose-colored glasses!
The green color of the aura speaks of love for the world, of inner harmony. The aura of a mother who thinks about her child shines with green and turquoise light. Shades of red in the aura really speak of passionate attraction and impulsiveness of feelings, orange - of the joy of creativity and vitality.
Love is multifaceted, and depending on what kind of hypostasis of love the artist undertakes to depict, he will choose certain shades.
Love symbols
In addition to color, drawing love, you can depict symbols that are firmly associated with this feeling in human consciousness. There are quite a few such symbols. Some of them are understandable to the majority, others are used in the culture of individual countries.
Couple in love. This is perhaps the most universal symbol of tender feelings, which does not require any further explanation and is understandable to a representative of any culture. The tenderness of the gazes directed at each other, the intertwining of hands, hugs, the kiss of two lovers, depicted in the picture, will tell the viewer about everything.
Doves, swans and other animals. A pair of cooing pigeons also personifies the mutual tenderness of a couple in love. And swans at all times were considered a symbol of loyalty and eternal love. By the way, other animals and birds can also serve as symbols of this feeling. So, for many peoples, swallows mean tenderness and the desire to create a cozy home nest. And the mention of a duck and a drake following it can be found, for example, in Russian folklore.
Image of a heart. This symbol can also be considered international. Hearts are used to decorate gifts and cards dedicated to loved ones. The heart pierced by an arrow symbolizes unhappy love.
The last named symbol reminds of another character that Europeans associate with sudden ardent feelings. Of course, we are talking about the deity of love, depicted as a toddler with wings on his back, armed with a bow and arrow. It is he who breaks hearts, making people suffer from love fever. And they call him differently: Cupid, Cupid, Eros.
Red rose. This is another European symbol for ardent love, passion. “The red rose is the emblem of love” - this line from the song is familiar to many.
Crossed rings. This image also speaks volumes about the fact that two people decided to join their destinies and live further together in love and harmony.
Having placed one or more symbols of love in a picture or drawing, and even having sustained his work in the desired color scheme, the artist can be sure that the viewer will understand: the author wanted to portray this very feeling!