Pavel Gerasimovich Lisitsian is the founder of the glorious Soviet dynasty of opera soloists. Possessing a unique baritone tone, the singer has delighted his fans with masterpieces of opera art for many years.

Pavel Gerasimovich Lisitsian was born on October 24, 1911 in the very heart of the North Caucasus, the city of Vladikavkaz, into a simple Armenian family. Pavel's father Gerasim Pavlovich worked at a drilling rig from a young age, and then headed a tobacco factory. Mother Srbuhi Manukovna ran the household and sang with the whole family in the Armenian church choir.
Pavel grew up as a musical child from childhood. At the age of four, the boy had already performed in front of the public performing songs in Armenian, Russian and Ukrainian. During his school years, the young man played several musical instruments perfectly, continuing to give his concerts at the local house of culture. In addition to musical education, his parents instilled in him a love of work. He could own any locksmith and carpentry tools as easily as musical ones.
Study and career
After graduating from school, the young man gets a job in geological exploration as a handyman, where he works until 1930. Then he moved to Leningrad in the hope of going to study as an electric welder. However, Pavel does not have time to pass the exams and gets a job in a drama theater as a member of the crowd. Soon the young artist had the opportunity to perform a solo number, after which he began a new professional artist's life. For three years, Pavel regularly studied vocals and mastered the singing wisdom, which allowed him to easily enter the music school. Having received his education, Lisitsian becomes an opera soloist of the youth theater. After the closure of the theater, Pavel Gerasimovich performs wherever he has to, from school to the Leningrad Philharmonic.
War years and creativity
Since the beginning of the war, Lisitsian gives concerts on the front lines and in hospitals all summer, raising the morale of soldiers and officers. For all the wartime, he gave over five hundred performances. For his creative contribution he was awarded medals and personalized weapons. Since 1950, Pavel Lisitsian has been performing all over the world. His majestic baritone has become familiar to every person on the planet. Having devoted more than forty years to opera singing, in 1973 Pavel Gerasimovich became a teacher at the famous Komitas State Conservatory in Armenia. In 1980, the singer moved to Moscow.
Personal life
The personal life of Pavel Gerasimovich began after he met Dagmara Alexandrovna. The singer's future beloved wife came to his concert in 1936, where they met. A year after they met, they got married, and a year later their daughter Karina was born. In 1943, a son was born, who, following the family tradition, was named Gerasim. On May 9, 1945, on the day of the end of the Great Patriotic War, the wife gave Pavel Gerasimovich two kids at once - Ruzanna and Ruben. The couple lived a long and happy life. On July 6, 2004, at the age of 82, Pavel Gerasimovich Lisitsian passed away and was buried by his wife and children at the Armenian Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.