Winter, especially harsh, is not an easy time for those birds that do not fly to warm regions. On cold days they need people's help so much. And it is very easy to provide it. Bread crumbs, seeds, a little millet, grains, tiny pieces of bacon - and the birds will never die. You can, of course, just pour the food onto the snow. But it is much better to arrange at least the simplest feeder for the birds. You only need a little free time and the simplest materials.

It is necessary
- - an empty milk or juice bag;
- - scissors;
- - rope or lace;
- - plastic bottle;
- - plywood sheet;
- - saw;
- - file or skin;
- - bars;
- - nails;
- - glue;
- - a hammer;
- - wire.
Step 1
Take an empty milk or juice bag, cut the same round holes in its side walls (opposite each other). The diameter of the holes should be large enough for the bird to calmly fly into the trough, and then, having had enough, left it just as easily.
Step 2
Rinse the bag with water and dry. Then put food on the bottom (seeds, grain, etc.) and using a string, cord, wire, hang the feeder on a thin branch of a tree, high enough above the ground (to protect it from cats). You can attach it to the outside of the window frame. Birds will quickly find the source of food.
Step 3
You can make about the same simple feeder from an empty, colorless plastic bottle, best of all with a capacity of 1.5 liters. Make a hole in its wall, pour food through it and hang it upside down on a branch or outside the window. To protect food from excess moisture, the bottle should be closed with a lid.
Step 4
If you have a little more free time and have woodworking skills, you can build a more complex and beautiful feeder that will serve as a dining room for more birds. Take a sheet of plywood (it can be thin, 4-5 mm thick), saw off two squares 25x25 cm in size from it. This will be the bottom and cover of the trough.
Step 5
Of course, go over the ends with a file and sandpaper so that there are no sharp chips. You will need 4 more support posts, about 12-14 cm high. It is best to cut a bar with a section of 2, 5x2, 5 cm into these segments.
Step 6
Now nail the bottom and lid of the feeder to the ends of the posts placed in the corners. For reliability, you can also coat the ends with moisture-resistant glue.
Step 7
Try not to hammer in the top nails to the end, make sure that their heads stick out a little over the lid. The feeder is almost ready, you just need to make sure that the food does not spill out due to the wind or crowds of birds. To do this, cut out fences from the same plywood - rectangular strips of plywood, 3-4 cm wide, and glue them on the sides from below.
Step 8
Wrap the pieces of wire around the top nails, hammer them all the way in, twist the loose ends just over the center of the trough and hang it on a branch.