How To Make A Bird Feeder Yourself

How To Make A Bird Feeder Yourself
How To Make A Bird Feeder Yourself

Creating feeders is a very fun and interesting activity and a rather creative process, because a dining room for birds can be made from completely different materials at hand and decorate the structure as you wish. It is important that the feeders are not only beautiful, but also comfortable and safe for the birds. And also were in places convenient for feathered: in open and well-visible areas.

How to make a bird feeder yourself
How to make a bird feeder yourself

Classic wooden feeder house

This version of the feeder is the most durable. To create you will need:

  • plywood sheet;
  • bars 3x3;
  • sandpaper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • hacksaw;
  • nails;
  • a hammer;
  • rope for hanging the feeder.
  1. Mark the part for the bottom of the trough on a piece of plywood. It can be of any size, but keep in mind that too large a structure will be unstable, and in a small feeder the birds will be uncomfortable. The optimal size of the bottom is 25x25 (30) cm. Saw out the part with a hacksaw.
  2. Build the bumpers. To do this, draw 4 parts 4 cm wide and equal in length to the sides of the bottom of the trough. Sand all edges so that there are no burrs or sharp edges that could hurt birds. Nail the sides to the sides of the parts for the bottom of the trough.
  3. Make racks. Beat bars 15-20 cm long into the corners of the resulting box.
  4. Fit the roof. This element is necessary so that the food does not get wet under the influence of precipitation and in winter it does not fall asleep with snow. Mark out two pieces 2cm wide over the longest part of the bottom of the trough. And also 2 parts for gables with a width equal to the length of the side of the trough, and a height of 12 cm. Saw out the parts with a hacksaw and sand the edges with sandpaper.
  5. Nail the gables to the uprights on the sides of the structure, and nail the roof to these parts so that its sides protrude 1 cm on each side.
  6. Attach a rope to the feeder so you can hang it up. Decorate the wood bird dining room as you wish.

Step-by-step instructions for making edible feeders

Hanging edible figurines are an excellent option. It is very easy to make them.


For manufacturing you will need:

  • baking tins;
  • bird food (seeds, millet, berries, etc.);
  • gelatin;
  • ropes.
  1. Dissolve the gelatin in cold boiled water and let it swell.
  2. Put bird food in the mass and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the mixture into molds.
  4. Cut the rope. Fold the cut in half and place the resulting loop inside the trough.
  5. Refrigerate until solid.
  6. Remove the tasty jelly from the molds and hang the feeders on the branches.

Similarly, you can make "ice cream" for birds in winter. In this case, instead of gelatin, you can use plain water, add food to it and freeze it in molds.

Interesting ideas for a bird cafe

Structures can be made not only from wood, but also from a variety of materials that are at hand.


Suitable for creation:

  • plastic bottles and aluminum cans;
  • dairy cartons;
  • parts from the Lego-type constructor;
  • saucers and cups;
  • old shoes and so on.
