Bird feeders are the simplest inventions that help birds survive in difficult times. Not only adults, but also children can make a bird feeder, the main thing is to choose the material for making the product.

A bird feeder can be made from many materials at hand. One of the easiest to make is a cardboard feeder. It can be made, for example, from a box of juice, milk, as well as sweets, shoes, etc. All that is required in this case is to cut holes in the box at the bottom of it, leaving only small sides along the edges, in make holes on the top of the box, thread a rope through them and you can hang the feeder on a tree, having previously poured any food into it.

By exactly the same principle, you can make a feeder from a plastic bottle. Bottle feeders are sturdier.

Feeders made of plywood look very beautiful, however, it takes a lot of time and effort to make these.

A simpler option is a pumpkin feeder. To do this is not difficult at all, as it might seem at first glance. All that is needed is to make a large enough through hole in the pumpkin, clean out all the pulp of the pumpkin and let the product dry out. Then make holes in the upper part, thread the ropes and tie. The pumpkin feeder is ready, now you can pour food into it and hang it, for example, on a tree.

Some of the simplest bird feeders are grain balls. Such products quite strongly attract the attention of birds. For production you will need: a spruce cone (with opened scales), butter, rope and bird food. It is necessary to coat the spruce cone with softened butter and let it harden. Then pour the food onto a flat dish and roll the product in it so that the grains adhere completely over its entire surface. Tie a rope to the resulting whom.

You can decorate a Christmas tree near the house with such feeders, on the eve of the New Year this is more than relevant.