Winter is a difficult period for birds. The reason is not only frost, but also lack of food. To make it easier for birds to find food, you can hang feeders on the street. Everyone can build them. No special skills are required for this.

There are many ways to make a bird feeder. The main thing is that it must be practical.
When choosing a building model, it is necessary to take into account the population of birds that live in the region. It is much easier for large individuals like pigeons, forty to get food, which cannot be said about titmice. Therefore, it is better to focus on them, and accordingly create a small house.
You don't have to search for materials in the store. It is better to build on what everyone has at home.
Plywood feeder

The feeder can be with a flat or pitched roof. Both are practical. Some craftsmen prefer open structures, but this option is not suitable for regions with snowy winters.
It will take about 2 hours to create a plywood feeder. Before starting work, you need to select a suitable drawing with the specified dimensions.
For work you will need:
- plywood,
- wooden block 20 x 20 mm,
- a hammer,
- jigsaw,
- nails.
We construct
- Draw the necessary details on a sheet of plywood.
- Saw out the marked parts with a jigsaw.
- The bottom will be a square sheet 25 x 25 cm. The roof is a similar shape, only 27 x 27 cm, so that the rain does not wet the food.
- We make 4 columns from a bar, 25 cm long.
- Assembling the structure
The roof is often pitched. It's more difficult, but there are many consultations on this topic on the Internet. The feeder can be painted. They do it only outside. Otherwise, coloring pigments will enter the bird's body along with the feed, which is dangerous for the health of the creature.
Cardboard box feeder

The easiest way to make a feeder is from a package that previously contained juice or milk.
For this you need:
- empty the container
- rinse it out,
- on the side, cut a hole, convenient for birds,
- attach a strong rope to the pack, for which the bird's dining room will be attached.
A child can make such a feeder without the help of a parent. But this option has a drawback. The milk carton is very light and will sway heavily in the wind. Therefore, for the design, you need to choose the most windless place.
Plastic bottle feeder

To manufacture the structure you will need:
- plastic bottle from 1, 5 to 5 l.,
- scissors,
- rope,
- matches, or a lighter.
A hole is cut in the container, which is comfortable for the bird. It is important to process the cut edges with a lighter to remove any burrs. They can injure the paws of birds. The bottle is attached with a rope to the branches of a tree.
It is important to consider:
- the feeder should be comfortable for birds,
- it should not contain sharp objects and anything that can injure living creatures,
- you need to fix the house with food at a height of 1.5 m, this will save the birds from the attack of cats.
It must be remembered that you will have to renew the feed regularly. Food, under the influence of temperature extremes, quickly deteriorates and turns into poison for birds. If you fill the dining room of birds with fresh food 1 time in 3 days, then there will be no problems!