There are many birds in the world, but the most beautiful and proud of all is the swan. The swan symbolizes beauty, love, life, humility, and marital fidelity. This craft in the shape of a swan will decorate any home. You can make crafts from various materials.

It is necessary
- paper
- paints
- glue
- feathers
- seashells
- wire
Step 1
You can make swans out of paper and feathers. To do this, paint over a sheet of Whatman paper in blue. To get a more natural color of water, paint over the entire sheet with white gouache, then dip the brush in blue paint and make a few greasy spots on the sheet, then spread the paint over the sheet with wide movements to the right and left.
Step 2
Cut out the silhouettes of the swans from white and black paper. If there is velvet paper, it is best to use it. Glue the swans onto a piece of paper. On top of the swans, in the area of the wings, carefully glue the feathers. This will add volume to the craft, revive the picture. You can use the colored nibs available at art supply stores. You can devote time and go to the pond where swans swim and collect real swan feathers. Or you can shake the feathers out of Grandma's old pillow.
Step 3
At the final stage, the craft can be decorated with water lilies, reeds made of colored paper, and waves can be drawn. Swan eyes can simply be drawn or glue beads.
Step 4
Swans are very easy to make from river shells. Two valves from river molluscs must be connected together. Between them, fasten a piece of thick wire, the end of which must be bent to make it look like a head with a beak.
Step 5
After the wire is fixed, the shells need to be glued together. Use colorless glue. After that, on the sides, you need to glue a couple of exactly the same shells. These will be half-spread wings.
Step 6
The craft must be fixed on a wooden board, previously painted in blue. The shells and the wire are painted white, black, and the tip of the wire must be painted red - this will be the beak.
Step 7
At the final stage, you need to decorate the board with various decorative elements - buttons in the form of flowers, beads, etc.