Felt Crown Hairpin

Felt Crown Hairpin
Felt Crown Hairpin

Table of contents:


A little princess, dressed in a stylish lace dress with bows, no doubt will suit a delicate and graceful crown-hairpin made of felt.

Felt crown hairpin
Felt crown hairpin

It is necessary

  • - felt (2mm thick);
  • - beads and pearls-beads;
  • - a needle for beads;
  • - threads of black and pink color;
  • - scissors;


Step 1

Make a pattern and transfer it to felt, carefully cut. The size of the pattern is 9 cm, the length is 13.5 cm.


Step 2

Using a sewing machine or by hand, sew with black threads in the form of twigs.

Sew on berry beads near the twigs.

Then add pink pearls.


Step 3

Decorate the ends of the crown with beads. To do this, you need to prepare 5 pearls and beads. Insert the needle into the end of the crown slightly at an angle and string the pearl first, then the beads onto the needle. Then insert the needle back into the pearl, leaving the beads on the thread and tighten the thread. Thus, the bead will secure the pearl. Carefully make a knot on the wrong side.


Step 4

Draw a line on the right side of the crown, stepping back slightly from the edge and overlap (to the strip) with the other side of the crown. Join the two sides with an invisible seam.

After cutting a circle out of felt, sew it as a bottom to the crown. Prepare a duck hairpin and sew a crown to it.

Cover the bottom inside the crown with a circle of pink felt.
