How To Draw A Princess With A Prince With A Pencil Step By Step

How To Draw A Princess With A Prince With A Pencil Step By Step
How To Draw A Princess With A Prince With A Pencil Step By Step

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Draw a diagram on one half of the sheet, give it a certain shape, and now the charming princess looks with loving eyes at the prince. He holds out his palm to the girl to spin her in a dance.

How to draw a princess with a prince
How to draw a princess with a prince

Image of a noble girl

Start recreating an artistic picture of a princess. Select the left half of the sheet for her. Draw a simple diagram first. Determine where the girl's head will be, draw a circle in this place. The lady looks at her chosen one, so her head is slightly turned in his direction. 2 small lines will help to convey this. Place them crosswise in the right half of the face.

The right end of the horizontal line crosses the circle, at this point the segment turns down and slightly to the left. You portrayed the girl's chin. Draw a small vertical line from the bottom center point of the circle-head, soon it will turn into a neck. Next, draw a line from it down and a little to the right - this is the curved line of the spine.

Draw a circle around it, not reaching the bottom of the spine by a quarter. The remaining line will soon become a thin waist. From its end, draw a symmetrically horizontal oval - this is the place where the hips begin. Draw long lines from it in both directions - the hem of the dress.

Arms extend from the top of the circle that runs through the spine. For the time being, draw the diagram for the left in the form of a semicircle curved downward. This arm will be slightly bent at the elbow. The princess's right hand is down.

It's time to give the beauty shape. Draw lush hair, below the chin, depict a thin neck, which then passes into the shoulders. Draw them on either side of the circle that crosses the spine. Shape your arms. Draw the brushes, the one facing the prince is in profile, so only the thumb and forefinger are visible.

At the level of the armpits, focusing on the same body circle, draw the beauty's chest and waist, then a thin waist. Draw several vertical lines on the hem of the dress - these are folds. Draw a line for the neckline. On the face - eyebrows, eyes, a nose, which is in a semi-profile. Erase construction lines.


A prince will be drawn on the right side of the canvas. Its scheme consists of almost the same figures as the base of the princess. Below the head-circle to the left, depict the chin, draw the profile of the young man's face. The line of the spine goes almost vertically - curving slightly to the right. It is crossed by a circle-body. The shoulders are located in its upper part. A line goes down from the left - the forearm, then, horizontally to the left, this is part of the arm from the elbow to the hand. The right hand comes out of the shoulder and goes down.

Below the circle-body - the waistline and oval-thigh. Draw 2 vertical lines from them. Just below the middle on each of these segments, draw small circles - these are the knees. The legs are slightly bent in this place.

Dress the pictured prince in a long camisole, a mantle can be tied over the shoulders. The lower part of the garment is tight, on the legs - boots.

Erase construction lines. It remains to add soft strokes with a pencil to depict the hair, folds on the clothes of the young man, and the drawing of the prince and princess is ready.
