Any human dream becomes a harbinger of any positive or negative events in real life. So, for example, a dreaming dog can mean the presence of a devoted and faithful friend next to you.

Dream about a puppy
If a dog in a dream symbolizes friendly fidelity, a dream with the participation of a puppy predicts the appearance of a new person in your life, acquaintance with whom can develop over time into real friendship.
Still, such a dream may indicate that there is a person in your environment who has sincere sympathy for you.
To dream of several puppies interfering with your work portends the emergence of small unnecessary worries that will greatly distract you from more important matters.
What the puppy looked like
A white animal dreams of the imminent appearance of a new friend. A ginger puppy portends an early acquaintance with a person with whom you can have a passionate romance. Black symbolizes a person on whom you pin all your hopes, but who will not justify your trust and will only bring a lot of small dirty tricks. The resulting quarrel with a friend will lead to serious enmity in the future.
The gray puppy dreams of chores that will not bring you anything useful.
If you dreamed about a very small animal, the dream foreshadows pleasant surprises for you. Newborn puppies symbolize gifts and various small amenities that will happen in your life. Thoroughbred animals promise you selected acquaintances and high achievements.
If you saw a wounded puppy in a dream, then soon you will have minor troubles. Dead means that the friendship will end before it even begins.
How did you treat your puppy in your sleep?
If you held an animal in your arms, then a reliable and strong friendship awaits you. Feeding a puppy in a dream means helping your friend by supporting him in a difficult situation. Such help will turn out to be good for you, unless you dreamed of a black kitten or he bit you while feeding. To save a puppy from death is to provide invaluable support to a person who will become a sincere friend for you.
If you have lost an animal in a dream and are looking for it in vain, in reality you feel very lonely and you need a reliable loyal companion. Finding a lost puppy - to gain peace of mind. Finding someone else's animal - to unexpected connections and news.
To buy a puppy in a dream means to win over good people on whom you can get serious support in the future. If you dreamed that you were given a kutenka, in reality, one of your friends or loved ones will introduce you to a person, communication with whom will benefit you. The puppy bit you in a dream, which means that others will treat you unfairly.