Past life is an interesting concept and unexplored area of knowledge. The question of whether the past life influences the present is very interesting. But there is simply no clear answer to it.

Impact of past lives
It happens that many situations in life are repeated over and over again. For example, according to the same scenario, you are thrown by your partners, cheated in the markets and in stores, and robbed. Perhaps this is how your past life affects you.
The point is that the concept of a past life assumes that a continuous series of incarnations of the same soul serves to correct all mistakes. That is why, the same situation can be repeated thousands of times, so that you finally come to a conclusion and change your behavior in a similar situation. These can be situations in which you are the injured party or the person who messed up something meaningful. Look around, if events in your life always follow the same scenario, it's time to rewrite it.
There is no definitive way to determine what your past life was like. You can turn to a fortuneteller with a similar question.
How Past Life Affects Personal and Family Future
At times, the influence of past lives can be "collective". For example, in your family, very many relatives did not arrange a personal life. You watch year after year divorces, quarrels, litigation, division of property. Perhaps it is you who can cut such a Gordian knot of difficult, unpleasant situations that drag on in a series of past lives of your relatives. It is necessary to seriously analyze all known situations associated with a difficult personal life, draw conclusions and try not to make such mistakes. It often happens that the exit from the vicious circle, committed by one of the family members, as it were, pulls the rest.
A past life can also have a direct impact on the current one. For example, you may have an obsessive fear of bodies of water, abysses, or gas poisoning. Moreover, you swim perfectly, you are not afraid of heights, and at home you have an electric stove. Such cases indicate that you had some kind of unpleasant experience in your past life. Perhaps you drowned or fell into the abyss, or maybe you were among those who died from a gas attack in the war. In this case, it is best to turn to art as therapy. Try to paint a picture of this fear of yours. If you don't feel like painting, write a poem or story. Fear expressed and imprinted in this way should become much weaker.
If you do not believe in the concept of a past life, analyze your present life to identify recurring patterns, this can provide food for thought.
Sometimes the past life can make itself felt with the help of skills or abilities that appear suddenly. People suddenly start speaking in foreign languages or dancing brilliantly, despite the fact that they have never learned anything like that.