To the question that people have been asking for many millennia, "Can the future be foreseen?", There is no unequivocal answer. At all times there have been prophets, fortune tellers, soothsayers and psychics. Most of them were charlatans, but there were a number of outstanding people, whose predictions were believed and still believe today. This means that you can find out the future, you just need to develop certain abilities in yourself.

Step 1
Gift It is believed that the gift of foresight is given either from birth "by inheritance" or is manifested as a result of any catastrophic or extreme events in a person's life. Thus, it turns out that you own exactly the "gift" - a gift that is given from the outside. You cannot influence its presence: neither receive it on purpose, nor refuse it. Often such a gift is perceived not as a blessing, but as a curse.
Step 2
Third eye Recently, more and more often you can find in the printed literature and on television such a concept as the "third eye" - the pineal gland or pineal gland. It is he who is responsible for the ability to clairvoyance. Absolutely all people have an epiphysis, and almost all of them are in "dormant mode". Some researchers believe that if you develop your third eye, you can develop the ability to see the future.
Step 3
Means Even in ancient times, shamans, in order to find out the outcome of the upcoming battle, whether the year will be dry or fertile, entered a state of trance. For these purposes, songs were used that created certain vibrations in the body, ritual dances, and based on various smoking or drinks. These "trance remedies" were made from plants and mushrooms that have hallucinogenic properties. The most famous are hemp, fly agaric, peyote cactus, ergot horns (LSD). All these substances are narcotic, can cause irreversible changes in the psyche and are prohibited by law.
Step 4
Meditation In the east, a more humane way of transcendental practice has been invented - this is meditation. Some of its types are carried out with the help of mantras and various harmless aromatic incenses and extracts. The essence of meditation is that at a certain stage of concentration of thought and spirit, you achieve a change in your consciousness. As a result, you can foresee some events.
Step 5
Lucid dreaming One of the techniques of changing consciousness, which opens up truly fantastic horizons for a person - out-of-body travel and lucid dreaming. Practitioners claim that those who master the technique of lucid dreaming will be able to move in space and time. It is practically a "time machine" for thought and soul. All that is required of you is to fall asleep and not fall asleep at the same time. On the edge of falling asleep, focus on separating the soul from the body: without moving, try to move or rise. This is not given to everyone and not right away - you need constant practice and patience, and the result will exceed all expectations.
Step 6
Forecasting The easiest way to predict the future is to forecast it. The forecast, as a rule, is based on the analysis of the “present” or the experience of the “past” is used. This is how many political and geological / geographic predictions are made. If tremors are felt near the coast of Japan, expect a tsunami in a couple of hours. This is a typical forecast, or maybe a foresight …