A DIY mannequin will accurately represent your figure. This is especially true with a non-standard figure. Following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily understand how to make a dummy with your own hands.

It is necessary
assistant, adhesive tape (80-100 m), long T-shirt, wooden hanger, cardboard tube, plastic bag, scissors, corrugated cardboard, glue, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, wire, safety pin, felt-tip pen, plumb line, tailor's meter, leg from office chair or mannequin stand
Step 1
In order to make a mannequin according to your size, you need to make a shell of adhesive tape, repeating the contours of the body. Before applying the tape to your body, put on a bra and long T-shirt. Wrap a plastic bag around your neck and tuck your hair under a bathing cap. The bottom of the T-shirt is secured between the legs with a safety pin, and then secured with adhesive tape from the navel to the waist. This will prevent movement of the structure.
Step 2
From the widest point of the hip, start wrapping the figure with adhesive tape from bottom to top, to the waist. Fix the shape of the bust: the tape should go crosswise under the bust. Then start wrapping all uncovered areas. The main direction of the turns is circular. This prepares the first layer.

Step 3
The second layer of tape is glued vertically. At this stage, irregularities that have arisen during the winding of the first layer are smoothed out. The neck is pasted over at the final stage.