How To Make An Original Bouquet Of Soft Toys

How To Make An Original Bouquet Of Soft Toys
How To Make An Original Bouquet Of Soft Toys

DIY gifts never go out of style. And today everyone can make an amazing bouquet of soft toys. Its creation takes no more than an hour, but the result will delight a person for a long time, because the design in the form of a bouquet will not wither, burn out or lose value. And if desired, it can be disassembled into separate parts.

How to make an original bouquet of soft toys
How to make an original bouquet of soft toys

What you need for a homemade bouquet

For a bouquet of toys, you will need soft toys, preferably the same. Their number should not be even. It is optimal to take 5-7 plush toys, if more, then the bouquet will be too large. Small plush animals will get lost in the structure, so take ones that are the size of an adult's palm.

You will also need corrugated paper of two colors, a rigid wire of about 2 meters, bright bows or artificial flowers, a meter of satin ribbon, adhesive tape and hard polyethylene, transparent glue moment. You can also decorate the gift with beads, rhinestones or other little things, but it is important that they are in harmony in color.

How to create a bouquet of toys

Each toy needs to be secured. Cut the wire into pieces of 40-50 cm. Bend it in half. And the place of the fold is put on the belly of the toy, and from the side of the back, the wire begins to twist into a flagellum. The toy appears to be in a ring. We carry out such manipulations with each plush creature. After that, we form a ring from the toys, backs inward, and twist all the ends of the wire into one large bundle.

The wire should not prick and tear the paper, so we wrap it with rigid polyethylene and fix it with tape. You need to make the density of the material so that it looks like a pen. Roll up more of the film for a comfortable grip. Sharp tips should not be.

We take corrugated paper. Cut 2 pieces 60 cm long for a bouquet of 5 toys or 80 cm for a bouquet of 7 pieces. It is better to take paper of two colors. Each part must be folded into a tube, and the edges must be sealed with tape or a stapler. You can also connect them with glue.

We put one paper in another. There should be a darker color on top, because if you do the opposite, but through a light surface, a bright one will shine through, and this will ruin the appearance.

Insert the base with toys into the resulting pipe. The corrugation should cover the toys, but not protrude too much. The top layer should be slightly longer, the bottom 3-5 cm shorter. When the length is determined, a satin ribbon should be tied under the toys. This will be the base of the bouquet. For which he can be held.

Flatten the top of the crepe paper. You can create a wavy structure with your fingers. Everything must be done carefully so as not to damage the paper.

An artificial flower must be attached to the center where the toys are connected. You can buy it, or you can make it yourself from a satin ribbon. Similar decorations are attached to the corrugation around the toys. Better to do this with glue. Sequins, feathers, rhinestones will be relevant on paper around plush creatures, at this moment you need to turn on your imagination and start creating. It is only important to do everything in a single color scheme.
