To make a nice gift for your loved one on Valentine's Day, you can make a panel of colored paper that will look very unusual and beautiful.

To make such a panel, you do not need much work. If you know how to use scissors, you are already capable of such a craft.
So, for a valentine's panel, you will need: colored paper (multi-colored for schoolchildren's labor lessons or multi-colored office paper), if there is no colored paper, paper from scrapbooking kits (one that imitates old notes, books, as well as all kinds of patterns) or colored wrapping paper. In addition to colored paper, you will need glue (any, for example, PVA, stationery, glue stick, Moment …), scissors, thick paper or cardboard as the basis of the panel, a frame.
Work order:
1. Cut out the base of the panel from cardboard or thick paper. Its size depends on the frame you have.
2. Cut as many colored paper hearts as you like. The sizes of the hearts can be the same, or they can be different.
3. Stick the hearts on the panel at random - in rows or filling the silhouette of a large circle, as in the photo below.
4. If desired, stick not one heart, but in pairs, threes, to create a more voluminous effect. You can also complement the work with beads, buttons, beads.

Helpful hint: if there is no frame, take a small flat candy box or a plump board, cover it with a cloth (glue the fabric on the back) and glue the hearts on such a base.